Today@Sam Article

Greek Life Shares Bearkat Spirit Through COVID Isolation Support

April 16, 2021
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

LambdaThetaAlphaStory by Mikah Boyd

Time and again, students at Sam Houston State University show how they are following the school motto—The measure of a Life is its Service. During challenging days for students being housed in the COVID-19 quarantine dorms on campus, Greek Life students found a creative and positive way to lift their spirits.

After staying in the isolation dormitories, Freshmen Leadership Program member Joshua Loya, recalled his experience to assistant dean of students, Lindsay Lauher. He wondered if there was anything he could do as a student to positively enhance the COVID isolation experience for other students. 

Lauher brought the information to the appropriate parties and formulated a plan of action. She partnered with Rachel Valle in Student Activities and Program Council to launch COVID isolation support initiatives, developed to ensure those in quarantine would not feel alone while helping to keep their fellow Bearkats safe.

A number of campus groups answered the call. Lauher and Valle reached out to the Student Government Association, who helped by donating trays needed for the students’ delivered meals. Program Council and the SHSU Parents’ Association crafted care packages to greet students with a pleasant surprise in isolation. After working with Residence Life, the group received permission to create art to brighten the empty dorm rooms and to make cards to distribute with each meal.


The creativity of the handmade cards and artwork provided by Greek Life students exceeded the expectations of Lauher, as the students included word searches, glitter and little pictures in the cards, to provide those in isolation with overwhelmingly positive messages that they were doing something good for everyone.

zetaphibeta“I had in my mind what I hoped they would do, and it was above and beyond that,” Lauher said.

The students were more than happy to support their peers, as service and community are two of the four pillars of the Greek Life community, according to assistant director of Greek Life, Mark Taplette.

“This service provided an opportunity to serve a segment of the Sam Houston State community that really needed the extra support,” Taplette said.

Jerrell Sherman, associate dean of students for judicial affairs and student development, believes that this COVID isolation support initiatives allowed members of Greek Life to refute the negative stereotypes that are sometimes associated with the Greek community.

“Hopefully highlighting acts of kindness like this initiative can open eyes to the positive impact fraternities and sororities make, not only here at SHSU, but throughout the country,” Sherman said.

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