Today@Sam Article

Here To Help: Newton Gresham Library

April 19, 2021
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

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“Here to Help” is a series focused on educating students on all the services available at Sam Houston State University. Many times students are unaware that these services are often offered at no cost with a Bearkat OneCard. Visit today@sam/HereToHelp to find the list of stories highlighted so far. If your department or student service would like to be featured for a future story email Story by: Fabiola Jean-Baptiste 


The Newton Gresham Library (NGL) has served as a literary lifeline for members of the Sam Houston State University community since its establishment in 1968. Today, as we move through the challenges of the COVID-19 health crisis, its mission remains the same.

“The mission of the library, to support and enhance the development of critically thinking, educated, and informed lifelong learners, has remained consistent throughout the challenges of the past year,” said Eric Owen, executive director of the NGL. “Even as library faculty and staff were engulfed in the massive disruption working in a space being actively renovated, I was enormously grateful for their many efforts to continue to provide the diverse array of research and instruction resources, services and support to all members of the campus community as we all confronted a global pandemic.”

Since the reopening of the physical building while following CDC regulations, librarians and staff have tirelessly worked to create new and enhanced existing online guides, resources, and tutorials to provide ongoing research assistance to meet students’ needs. While day-to-day operations have unquestionably been affected, library personnel have managed to develop and maintain a safe, increasingly inviting environment for discovery and study, and look forward to the opportunities in the coming semesters.


Another way the NGL meets the needs of today’s students, is by providing a physical space for creativity and innovation. Most of the renovations on the 1st and 2nd floors of the NGL have been completed. The Academic Success Center (ASC) has successfully moved into its new location on the north side of the NGL. New study spaces, furniture and technology are now available and over a dozen new group-study rooms, equipped with display capabilities, will be available for use when social distance restrictions are lifted. 

“Our faculty will be able to reach students with more active learning options for classes with our new instructional spaces on both renovated floors,” Owen said. “New window shades, matching those on the bottom floors, will replace the current well-worn treatments. We will also gain some exterior enhancements, including waterproofing of the 2nd floor patio, and patio furniture on the 1st floor.

Last summer, due to the lockdowns of the pandemic and the demolition phase of the renovation, the library remained closed. This summer, the NGL plans to provide services to the campus community. 

“I hope that anyone on campus during the summer months visits the library to experience the revitalized location and interact with the fantastic people,” Owen said.

As the disturbance of renovation activities subsides, and the restrictions of the pandemic are lifted, the Newton Gresham Library looks forward to the near future when the new spaces, services, and technologies in the facilities will be available in their fullest operation. 

“The library will return as an upgraded center of discovery, with strengthened support for research pursuits, and an augmented capacity for collaborative endeavors for the entire campus,” Owen said.

For more information regarding the NGL response to COVID-19 and for additional online (free) resources provided in response to COVID-19 pandemic.


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