Today@Sam Article

Regents Approve Academic Changes, Charter School

SHSU Media Contact: Emily Binetti

Bell Tower at SHSUSam Houston State University’s charter school and degree course changes were among the items approved by the Texas State University System Board of Regents at their regular quarterly meeting on Aug. 12 at Sul Ross State University.

The university received authorization to continue the SHSU Charter School contract for a 10-year period effective Aug. 1, 2021, subject to final approval of the Chancellor and Chairman. The charter school is a public, open enrollment school district developed through a university-based charter with SHSU, offering an innovative approach to public education building on existing childcare facilities through the establishment of classrooms for kindergarten through sixth grade. 

Also approved in academic affairs was a semester credit hour increase from 191 to 192 to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine within the College of Osteopathic Medicine, to be implemented Sept. 1, 2021.

Within the College of Science and Engineering Technology, regents approved a decrease in semester credit hours from 37 to 36 to the Master of Science in Statistics housed in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, to be implemented Sept. 1, 2022.

The College of Education was given consent to delete the Master of Education in Instructional Leadership degree program housed in the Department of Educational Leadership through a phase-out to end by Sept. 1, 2022. As a non-certification program, the degree now duplicates other non-certification programs in the college (e.g., M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction).

Curriculum course changes approved for SHSU included 19 course additions and two course deletions.

(All academic affairs program changes are to be implemented upon final approval by the TSUS Board of Regents and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.)

In finance, SHSU’s fiscal year 2022 annual operating budget was approved. The $422 million budget includes educational and general appropriated funds, designated, and auxiliary enterprises.

A contract for Student Financial Planning Services with Oracle America, Inc. was approved. The service will assist SHSU in meeting its goals in providing students with finance-related services enabling access to higher education.

Finally, The Board of Directors of the TSUS Foundation announced nominees selected to receive the 2021 Regents Awards, including three individuals from SHSU. Helena Halmari (English) nominated for the Regents’ Professor Award, C. Renee James (Physics) nominated for the Regents’ Teacher Award, and Carolyn Jess (Environmental Science) nominated for the Regents’ Student Scholar Award. Recipients will be recognized at the Nov. and Feb. Board of Regents meetings.

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