Today@Sam Article

SHSU Women Trailblazers: Q&A With Student Body President Jordan Johnson

March 24, 2021
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

Story by: Mikah Boyd

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of fifteen students, democratically elected to serve as the official voice of the student body to university administration, the Texas State University System Board of Regents and elected officials. The group consists of executive, legislative and judicial branches, making up a model government that serves as the student body by passing legislation and working with government officials to enhance the college experience for all SHSU students. The organization serves as a model government in order to give students experience with leadership and service.

Jordan Johnson has been the student body president since May of 2020 and has used her time in this position to advocate on the behalf of her fellow Bearkats. Johnson is a senior majoring in Mass Communications, with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising. She currently serves as the co-executive director for the Center for Diversity and Intercultural Affairs and was the 2020 Miss Piney Woods pageant winner.

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As she continues her role as SGA President, Johnson reflects on her accomplishments and what SGA means to SHSU in this Q&A with Today@Sam.

T@S - How would you explain what you do as SGA president?

JJ: As Student Government President I take the lead on organizing and planning various events for the student body. I oversee a team of dedicated executive board members, department directors, caucus chairs and senators. We pride ourselves in being the “official voice of the student body” and we try our hardest to fulfill students’ needs.

T@S - As the Student Government Association President, are there any changes or new legislation that you will push for?

JJ: Since my term is coming to an end I’d like to reflect on the successes of the year. We successfully launched a pilot program in the LSC to provide free feminine hygiene products to students. We also had a great, entertaining and educational black history month program, along with a great “Bearkats Vote” voter education campaign in the fall.

T@S - What advice do you have for students wanting to join SGA?

JJ: Just go for it and you won’t regret it! SGA is an organization for everyone. No matter what your major is or your classification, Student Government Association is an organization where students can make their voices heard and create real change on campus.

T@S - How does legislation passed by SGA impact SHSU students?

JJ: Legislation directly impacts students because it’s through legislation that SGA is able to get things done for the students. An example is our feminine hygiene product pilot campaign which was passed through legislation earlier this semester.

T@S - Are there any activities that the SGA has planned to get students involved?

JJ: We have both in-person and virtual events. We have weekly virtual senate meetings Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Coming up, we also have Bearkats All Paws In, which is a great community service opportunity that will last several weeks throughout March and April. To stay up to date on all things SGA be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @SamHouston_SGA.

T@S - How does it feel to be the second consecutive female SGA president?

JJ: It’s a great honor being the second consecutive female SGA President. I also take great pride in being a black female Student Government Association President at a predominantly white institution (PWI), which you don’t see very often. It’s been a great privilege to serve the student body and I hope I’ve inspired other students to go after their goals and serve their community.

T@S - How have the challenges of the past year made you a better student government president?

JJ: Adjusting to COVID-19 has been a great challenge. Student engagement overall has taken hit due to the pandemic so this year we have had to come up with new exciting ways to engage students. We’ve been able to do this by having our meetings 100% virtual, having hybrid events, and having a great social media presence.

Those wanting to get involved in SGA can join their virtual meetings at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays or submit any questions or input to them at

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