Today@Sam Article

New Exhibit On Display At The Sam Houston Museum

Jan. 18, 2022
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

12 Plus One exhibit Joshua Houston2By Megan Buro

The Sam Houston Memorial Museum presents the new exhibit “12 Plus One.” This is an exhibition revealing the ongoing research by the museum of the twelve individuals listed on Sam Houston’s probate inventory in 1863 plus the one who was not listed. Each of these people were born into slavery and though their journeys were different, all eventually found themselves working and caring for the Houston family. They performed duties that were essential to the success of Sam Houston’s legacy until becoming freed citizens after emancipation.

“The museum would like to further our research and expand our knowledge on Joshua, Eliza, Jeff and the other slaves associated with the Houston family,” said Jude Routh, Curator of Exhibits. “We owe a special thanks to Don Williams, PhD and history students of Zach Doleshal, PhD: Naomi Baum and Cobi Jones, with help from SHSU Thomason Room and the Huntsville Public Library for the most recent contributions to this research project.”  

“12 Plus One” will be on display from January 13 – February 27, 2022 at the museum’s Katy & E. Don Walker, Sr. Education Center located at 1402 19th Street.

12 Plus One exhibit image one

“This exhibit highlights two things to me,” said Derrick Birdsall, Museum Director. “First, sharing what we do know of Joshua, Eliza, Jeff, Tom, and the others. Secondly, it highlights just how much we have yet to learn, and hope to learn, about the other enslaved people who lived and worked on the Houston farm.”

The Sam Houston Memorial Museum is a part of Sam Houston State University and dedicated to preserving the memory of Sam Houston and his times. The museum complex is open Tuesday – Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday noon to 4:30 p.m. For more information, visit the museum website at or call the museum at 936-294-1832.

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