Today@Sam Article

Bumpurs Named President Of Regional College Health Association

June 28, 2022
SHSU Media Contact: Emily Binetti

Erica BumpursSam Houston State University Health Center Director Erica Bumpurs has been elected President of the Southwest College Health Association (SWCHA), the regional affiliate of the American College Health Association (ACHA).

“Any opportunity to learn a new system, make an improvement or test out a new system is something I want to be a part of,” Bumpurs said. “I love the field I work in and I thrive on helping others. The students at SHSU deserve to have leaders that seek to be the best in their roles and I believe that taking volunteer opportunities like this to learn more about the best practices and to help develop others is an important part of that.”

Bumpurs will continue her responsibilities at SHSU in addition to her new role, which she says will benefit the university in a number of ways.

“My participation allows for SHSU to have a regionally and nationally recognized presence as a university that strives to focus on student health and wellness,” Bumpurs said. “I am able to represent ideas, concerns, and student needs to the ACHA board and leaders to advocate and also learn first hand about opportunities and initiatives that may benefit programs or services for our students.”

She will have the opportunity to work with other leaders at universities in the region to discuss the best practices for student success and continually build support services. Her duties will allow her to see what is working on other campuses and replicate it at SHSU or other universities to ensure a shared success.

ACHA is the voice of student health and wellness for higher education and represents over 700 institutions. It is divided into regional affiliates across the country. SWCHA is the affiliate that encompasses Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma.

“The organization is committed to advancing the health of students and campus community efforts through advocacy, education and research,” Bumpurs said. “Each affiliate is designed to network with others in its own geographic area to focus on regionally specific issues that may impact college health or student populations.”


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