Today@Sam Article

College Of Criminal Justice Event Discusses War In Ukraine

April 7, 2022
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

By: Victor Henson II

Dr. Richard J. Kilroy Jr

The College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University is hosting Richard J. Kilroy, Jr. who will discuss the war in Ukraine and what it means for the United States. 

Kilroy, a non-resident scholar in Rice University’s Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico, is also an associate professor of political science at Coastal Carolina University, where he teaches courses on international relations and US foreign policy. Before entering academia, Kilroy served as a Military Intelligence and Latin America Foreign Area Officer for the U.S. Army for 23 years. Kilroy has also been featured as an editor and co-author for several publications regarding homeland security and intelligence studies. With his military background and his research on national security, Kilroy is an expert in defense and assessing the foreign policy efforts of the United States.

Kilroy looks to answer many questions concerning the war in Ukraine. Has Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ushered in a new era of geopolitics? Is it a return to great power, or strategic competition between the United States, Russia, and China? Are we entering into Cold War 2.0, and a return to the threat of nuclear war?

Kilroy will be addressing these topics and the implications for the United States in a public lecture on April 14th from 2-3 p.m.

This event is open to students, faculty, and staff and will be hosted in the CJ Courtroom in the George Beto Criminal Justice Building. 

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