Today@Sam Article

Commencement Spotlight: Kenyon Whiting

Nov. 17, 2022
SHSU Media Contact: Mikah Boyd

Each semester, the Commencement Spotlight series highlights graduating Bearkats with a “can-do” spirit through challenges, achievements or service.

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Kenyon Whiting
Pearland, Texas
Bachelor of Science Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology

From a young age, Kenyon Whiting has enjoyed making things and observing how systems and operations function. His interests led him to pursue a degree in electronics and computer engineering technology at Sam Houston State University.

For Whiting, it was important to pick a school that had an exceptional engineering program but also allowed him to stay close to home.

“I came to Sam because of how local everything is; larger schools can be overwhelming,” Whiting said. “I also saw that the Engineering Department here was good.”

Since coming to SHSU, Whiting was able to join the robotics club and advance to the position of vice president of the club, which he says has advanced his interest in the field of robotics and automated systems.

“I hope to one day work for a department for robotics, or computer engineering for a corporation,” Whiting said. “I have a special place in my heart for NASA, as I have family who has worked there for years, and the scope of work that they do is exactly what I am interested in.”

Even though his initial goal is NASA, Whiting’s professor and mentor, Iftekhar Basith, suggested he pursue a national opportunity to be a scholar of the Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program, an organization that promotes diversity in the fields of medical technology, biotechnology and consumer healthcare through one-year mentorships.

221104_shsu_keyon_0867“When I was recommended to apply for the mentorship last semester, I did research into what the program was, as well as the company that sponsors it,” Whiting said. “I was sold, because it offers a different perspective to the world of electronics and computer engineering and opens up new pathways for various lines of work.”

Kenyon was selected as a scholar for the 2022 Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program for Medical Technology. The conference took place in Boston, Massachusetts last month.  

“I think my favorite part of the conference was really meeting the other scholars accepted into the program with me. We were there a week, but we were packed, we were putting in that work. Much of the time was devoted to professional development.,” Whiting said. “There was a resume building seminar, and a few seminars about what MedTech is and all the companies associated with it. I’ve talked to quite a few CEOs of companies.”

Whiting learned many valuable skills from networking with industry leaders from the medical technology industry and learned even more from his fellow scholars. His learning will continue as he is mentored by a fellow Bearkat for the next year, together they will work to help Whiting navigate his career options and how to attain his goals.

“I believe my horizons were broadened from the experience,” he said. I realize now that there’s actually a lot more I can do with this degree I’m pursuing.”


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