Today@Sam Article

SHSU Professor Recognized by TSUS

Dec. 14, 2022
SHSU Media Contact: Mikah Boyd

Sam Houston State University was represented not only by a student, but a professor as well, at the November meeting of the Texas State University System (TSUS) Board of Regents. William Lutterschmidt, professor of biological sciences, was presented with the TSUS Regents’ Professor Award at the meeting for his research and dedication to educating future scholars.

“I began my career at Sam Houston State University in 1998 and have always been excited about scholarship at SHSU as well as promoting the visibility and reputation of the university,” Lutterschmidt said. “I thoroughly enjoy teaching students, serving the university and research, especially research.”

Lutterschmidt 3This passion was evident to Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael T. Stephenson, who nominated Lutterschmidt, and the regents who recognized his numerous accomplishments at the meeting. This includes over 90 peer-reviewed publications, four published books and eight book chapters, over 100 conference presentations, 39 invited seminars and numerous awards in teaching and research, including three national science foundation grants and two excellence in research awards.

Lutterschmidt finds great joy in sharing what he has learned throughout his career and his recent research exploits with his students. This method of research-based teaching is something he believes in and integrates into his classroom 

“Professors who are actively engaged in research can bring those experiences and that knowledge to the classroom,” Lutterschmidt said. “That’s just a really neat way to integrate your research program and interests into the classroom and, if you’re passionate about that, then you also get passionate about teaching that knowledge to students.”

His involvement extends beyond research through his participation in multiple committees and associations related to his field of study. Through his memberships, Lutterschmidt has been able to serve as an editor for publications such as the Journal of Herpetology. He is also a member of the Texas Academy of Sciences, a statewide scientific organization that he encourages his students of all levels to join for enrichment of their studies.

Even though the award highlights his extensive work in research and his membership in notable groups and societies, Lutterschmidt finds his work as a professor to be the most fulfilling of all.

“Teaching is such an important part of what we do as professors,” Lutterschmidt said. “It’s probably our most important responsibility, not only to the university, but to society. Being able to stand in front of a college classroom and profess knowledge is one of the ultimate privileges of being a professor and that comes with great responsibility. It also provides professors with this level of accomplishment knowing that you are contributing to the educational future of our society.”

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