Today@Sam Article

Commencement Spotlight: Annette Gutierrez

May 11, 2022
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

Annette Gutierrez

The Commencement Spotlight series highlights graduating Bearkats with a “can-do” spirit through challenges and service.

Annette Gutierrez             
Huntsville, Texas
Masters of Science in Accounting

An accounting graduate student at Sam Houston State University, Annette Gutierrez plans to give back to the community that gave so much to her when she needed it. After graduating this semester, Gutierrez will begin her career in Houston, Texas as an audit staff at Ernst & Young, the same company where she completed her internship.

Starting out for Gutierrez, going to college was inconceivable due to the financial strains.

“I had the motivation and passion to further my education,” Gutierrez said. “I applied for the Smith-Hutson Scholarship as a high school senior and I was selected as a recipient.”

After finishing her undergraduate accounting degree, she knew she wanted to enhance her career path with a master’s and was accepted into the accounting graduate program.

“These were not effortless achievements,” Gutierrez said. “I studied tirelessly, I never lost my motivation or desire to continue my education, and as a result, I will be ending my time at SHSU with two full-ride scholarships.”

While at SHSU, Gutierrez has filled up her time by serving in many organizations and community service projects.

“I have contributed to state park cleanups, and enjoyed volunteering with Habitat for Humanity,” Gutierrez said. “I felt as though I was helping families that had a similar upbringing as I did.”

Her college life also included serving in Student Service Fees Committee, Campus Life Development Fund Committee, and Student Disciplinary Hearing Committee.

While Gutierrez’ hard work paid off in college, she will continue to tirelessly give it her best even after graduation. She plans to obtain her Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license within the next year. After joining the workforce, Gutierrez plans to go back to school and follow her dream of getting her doctoral degree and becoming a professor.

“I have been so blessed in my life as a direct result of these scholarships,” Gutierrez said. “An aspiration of mine is to begin an endowed scholarship under my mother’s name, Guadalupe Gallegos. She taught me strength, resilience, my value as a young Mexican-American woman, and the value of education.”

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