Today@Sam Article

Medical Students Crochet Cuddly Creatures

March 6, 2023
SHSU Media Contact: Mikah Boyd

Yarn Club 3

By Nhi Nguyen

Sam Houston State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (SHSU-COM) students are offered the opportunity to participate in Yarn Club, where they crochet “PediPals” for pediatric patients at the SHSU Physicians Clinic.

The health and care components are taught to those pursuing careers in healthcare. By providing service to pediatric patients, students at Sam are fulfilling their role in the care aspect.

“The motto of Sam Houston State is ‘The measure of a Life is Its Service.’ Osteopathic physicians are called to join a profession with a focus on service to our patients and our communities in need,” said Dr. Thomas Mohr, dean of SHSU’s COM. “In my opinion, there is nothing more important and more fulfilling.”

Candace Walkley, assistant professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at the COM believes that training in medicine can be especially grueling and requires tremendous sacrifice.

COMBuildingSign"The most successful students figure out early that it is in the service to others where we derive the gratification that helps us avoid the burnout from the pace required to complete this training. The Yarn Club is a perfect opportunity for them to channel some energy in service to patients,” said Walkley.

Crocheting for pediatric patients is a way for student doctors to be in touch with their compassion and humanity in order to be the future personnel of the healthcare profession. Furthermore, crochet also helps students with dexterity, which is necessary for the medical field.

Walkley also shared that the medical students from years one and two get together to create these items. The COM group has since branched out to include whatever the students desire to create, such as Amigurumi, scarves, blankets and more. Some of the students have never crocheted before and are there to learn. Walkley enjoys seeing the students take a breather for a bit from their studies and do something engaging with each other.

“It gives them an opportunity to talk about their lives and tribulations while they are doing something worthwhile with their hands. Many of them go on to continue to crochet at home between club meetings,” she said.

Taking part in this activity also gives students the chance to accumulate volunteer hours, which will look good on their resumes. The Yarn Club not only offers them a great chance to improve their dexterity and concentrate their passion on helping patients but also gets them one step closer to success.

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