Today@Sam Article

Commencement Spotlight: Quan Chung

May 10, 2023
SHSU Media Contact: Campbell Atkins

Each semester, the Commencement Spotlight series highlights graduating Bearkats with a “can-do” spirit through challenge and service.

Quan Chung
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

Quan Chung’s creative prowess and passion for design has been evident since the early days of his childhood, when he built Lego and K’Nex models on the floor of his bedroom. As the years progressed and his abilities sprouted with his outgoing personality, he used that drive and Sam Houston State University to establish a roadmap for the future.

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“I’ve learned that creativity allows us to be open-minded and help solve problems,” Chung said. “My skills and personality have brought me success, but I’ve always wanted to try new things.”

Chung moved to Houston with his family from Vietnam at an early age and ultimately found himself in Willis. He took his creativity to a whole new level by developing new skills in technology and applying for SHSU’s graphic design program after a stint at Lone Star College.

“He has spent his college career diversifying his portfolio and pursuing new opportunities, earning a part-time graphic design job at the university’s Recreational Sports Center and a prestigious internship with The Walt Disney Company in Orlando, where he works with merchandise putting together a variety of packaging designs to better engage our guest’s and Disney cast members through storytelling and retaining the Disney magic.”

“Over the past years, I’ve been rejected for many qualified internships and opportunities that I’ve applied for,” Chung said. “This gave me a chance to improve and fluctuate my portfolio, resume and projects to better sell myself and attract hiring teams.”

During his final semester at SHSU, Chung participated in “WANTED”, the 2023 Graphic Design Senior Exhibition, a juried art exhibition held annually to display the graduating seniors’ work and put their names in front of potential employers. During this showcase, he earned an award for Best Interactive Design and an honorable mention for Best Illustration.

Chung has also furthered himself through the many student communities at SHSU, including the International Student Organization. He used this resource and its diverse connections to help hone his love of communication and the spoken word. He is fluent in multiple languages and can at least partially interact in nine. His strongest include Vietnamese, English, German and Spanish.

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“I was able to pick up some of those languages and become a polyglot, which I think is really important for industry,” Chung said. “I think languages are beautiful. I think of them as art because we can adapt those skills and be mindful of communicating with one another from different cultures.”

He also utilized his outgoing personality to communicate with his new classmates upon arriving at SHSU.

“Noticing the different environment with so many students to make friends with, I came up with this brilliant idea of finding ways to make new friends,” Chung said. “I performed a bunch of magic tricks, Rubik’s Cube tricks and made TikTok videos online.”

One of Chung’s TikTok clips reached over 12 million views and ultimately garnered him over 500 thousand followers at a time.

As his collegiate clock winds down, Chung is grateful to the university that provided him with the opportunities to grow and develop his skill across a diverse set of platforms.

“The best advice I can give is to reach out to the Career Success Center and your advisers, get resources from them,” Chung said.

Chung has aspirations to get back involved with Disney or another entertainment industry and find work as a full-time designer. He would also like to land a position in a design agency or firm that specializes in illustration, packaging and branding.

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