Today@Sam Article

Commencement Spotlight: Kalan McBride

Dec. 6, 2023
SHSU Media Contact: Mikah Boyd

By Jaidin Shaw

Kalan McBride 
Bachelor of Science in Education
The Woodlands, Tx

After leaving home at just 17 years old, Kalan Mcbride didn’t think she would make it past freshman year of high school and dropping out seemed like the only option. Once she moved out of her parents’ house and in with a friend, she found a support system that helped her pull through and pushed her to graduate high school.

Kalan-McBride-Full.jpegBefore graduating, Mcbride knew she needed a new outfit to show that she made it but felt a pair of shoes would represent that more.

“Walk a mile in my shoes. See what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel, then maybe you’ll understand why I do what I do. Until then, don’t judge me,” Mcbride said.

Mcbride mentions this mantra to emphasize why, after every big accomplishment or milestone, she buys a new pair of shoes that represent the path it took to get there. The shoes became conversation pieces and a chance to tell her story with the hope it will inspire someone else.

Now, many years later, Mcbride is a senior in college and preparing to graduate in December.

Mcbride credits her biology teacher in high school who helped push her into applying for Sam Houston State University.

“She really poured into me the belief that I could do it,” Mcbride said. “She brought me here to tour the school and I just fell in love with the campus and the people.”

Her past and the support of her biology teacher inspired her to study education to become a teacher despite originally pursuing business like her parents. After taking a gap year and then continuing her education online for a few years, Mcbride finally found her calling with education and plans to do big things in the future.

Mcbride is earning her Bachelor of Science in Education and is currently teaching third grade at San Jacinto Elementary School. She is a long-term substitute teacher and has been offered to sign on full time as a teacher of record once she graduates.

“I choose elementary education because I didn’t want students to have to wait until high school to feel heard, seen and loved,” Mcbride said.


Once finished with her bachelor’s degree, she plans to get her master’s then eventually her doctorate in education. 

“I want to work at the district level for SPED (Special Education) and do some things in that area,” Mcbride said of what she plans to do once she receives her doctorate.

After graduation, Mcbride will miss the community of people she surrounds herself with at Sam Houston State. While already experiencing the feeling with her peers now that graduation is nearing, she is happy nonetheless of her overall experience.

“I feel fulfilled. I feel accomplished and proud of myself,” McBride said.

There is certainly much to take pride in.  She has been on the Dean’s List the last three semesters and the President’s List this past semester.

TRIO Student Support Service, a resource that Sam Houston State offers, was also a big part of Mcbride’s college experience. The program helped teach Mcbride about financial tips as well as how to create and stick to a budget. This was useful because she was paying for college out of pocket, a challenge that made it difficult. Despite that, she persevered.

Mcbride expressed her struggles with completing her degree and not having the drive to keep going due to her challenges. Yet, she reminded herself daily to not give up.

"Something that I constantly tell myself is, this is a small part of forever. Just get through this and keep going," she said.

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