Today@Sam Article

Heritage Magazine: Taking The Lead On And Off The Field

Nov. 2, 2023
SHSU Media Contact: Mikah Boyd


Student athletes are leaders by nature, they carry the university’s name and pride on their backs as they compete against other universities in feats of great strength, skill and endurance. Through Sam Houston State University’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), students can serve as campus leaders as well by bridging the gap between athletes and administration.

The committee is made up of 34 athletes, representing all 17 teams within the university athletics program. From this group, five are chosen to head the group as members of the executive council. Under the council’s guidance, the committee helps develop the curriculum of the student-athlete affairs required course for incoming student athletes, report on student athlete welfare to the Faculty Staff Athletic Council, meet with SAACs at other universities to ensure procedural compliance and other initiatives that support student athletes. 

Jaylen Phillips, a member of the executive council and linebacker for SHSU’s football team was honored to be chosen by Chris Thompson, the senior athletic director, to join the committee and serve on its executive council. He is proud to serve as a bridge between the student athletes and campus leaders that make decisions impacting them.JaylenPhillips

“Being in a leadership role, I feel like people are counting on me to be able to express what’s going on from the athletes or fans and also students concerns because we want to build a culture of tradition here that remains after we leave,” Phillips said. “Building that connection with the students, athletes and the administration, brings everybody closer together.”

Through the program, Phillips has the opportunity to occasionally sit down and talk over lunch with members of campus leadership like the university president or the dean of students.

“We talk about things happening and get to know many people that athletes usually don’t get a chance
to meet and let them know what’s going on. I think that’s important,” Phillips said.

As the university moves from the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) into Conference USA, Phillips said he and his peers will work even harder to ensure administrators are made aware of any growing pains the athletes may face.

“I feel like we have everybody on the same page about what our future goals are—to compete not only athletically in all sports but academically,” Phillips said.

While it may seem the move to Conference USA will mainly benefit athletics, Phillips believes the entire university will reap the advantages of the change.

“The move is promoting Sam Houston State as a university,” Phillips said. “I think this will allow us to build on traditions here and give people something to be very proud of.” 

To read the full version of Heritage Magazine Summer 2023, follow this link.

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