Today@Sam Article

2024 Academic Affairs Distinguished Staff Awards Recipients Announced

May 29, 2024
SHSU Media Contact: Mikah Boyd

From left: Provost Michael T. Stephenson, Taylor Morrison, Rhonda Owens, Kaci Moore, Aarianna Longino and Tracy Richardson.   By Aly Huarcaya

Sam Houston State University’s Office of the Provost recognized five outstanding Academic Affairs (AA) staff members at the third annual AA Distinguished Staff Awards ceremony on April 23. The five recipients of this year’s awards include Aarianna Longino, Kaci Moore, Rhonda Owens, Tracy Richardson and Taylor Morrison.

“It brings me great joy to celebrate our Academic Affairs staff members through this ceremony,” Michael T. Stephenson, SHSU’s provost and senior vice president of Academic Affairs, said. “Each year I am impressed by the award recipients who represent our division and Sam Houston State University so well.”

Aarianna Longino, graduate advising coordinator for the College of Criminal Justice Office of the Dean, received the Rookie Award. This award recognizes a recently hired AA staff member who has quickly immersed and asserted themselves as passionate, effective and a go-getter in their respective area.

“To be recognized by my colleagues for my hard work and passion for higher education means the world to me,” Longino said. “The amount of knowledge that I have received since working at SHSU is immense. I have learned the importance of team building, collaboration and cultivating a sense of belonging for our students.”

Kaci Moore, an administrative associate at the Professional and Academic Center for Excellence and the Quality Enhancement Plan, received the Spirit Award, which recognizes a staff member who consistently exhibits a positive attitude while taking initiative in generously serving faculty, students and their colleagues.

“Each day, I approach work with the mindset that yesterday’s challenges don’t dictate today’s possibilities. I’m committed to delivering the best work possible and believe that nothing is impossible if you are willing to put forth the effort,” Moore said. "Winning this award signifies that the effort and commitment I pour into my work each day are acknowledged and valued.”

Rhonda Owens, assistant to the associate vice provost in the Office of the Vice Provost, received the Loyalty Award for her 20 years of dedicated service to SHSU and the AA division. This award is presented to a staff member who has 10 years or more of service at SHSU, with at least five of those years at Academic Affairs and has shown superior service and an ongoing commitment to faculty, staff and students.

“It makes me feel good that I am helping the SHSU community in a positive way that other campus partners are noticing,” Owens said.

Owens gave the following advice to those new to AA.

“Take in all the knowledge you can, listen to others and communicate with others, ask questions when you need to and always be a team player,” she said.

Tracy Richardson, program analytics specialist for the Office of Program Analytics, received this year’s Leadership Award. The Leadership Award is presented to the staff member who leads others, whether in a formal or informal leadership position, and displays leadership qualities, such as exceptional communication, problem-solving, integrity and a desire to help others succeed.

“Winning this award is a deeply meaningful achievement for me,” Richardson, who is active in a variety of organizations, said. “It stands as a testament to the heart of my research which is elevating leaders who share similar backgrounds and experiences.”

For the final award of the ceremony, Stephenson presented the Distinguished Staff Member of the Year Award to Taylor Morrison, partnership coordinator for the Center for Community Engagement (CCE). This prestigious award honors the staff member who has shown the ability to lead and create a positive, supportive and motivating work environment, and consistently makes a positive impact through contribution and commitment to the university’s core purpose and values.

“I am so grateful to be recognized for contributions to a division that impacts students and the community in so many meaningful ways,” she said. “As a part of a small but mighty team at the CCE, we work together and support each other to accomplish our goals, so this award is really a recognition of the work we all do to promote and advance a culture of community engagement at SHSU.”

Morrison began her career at SHSU in 2016 at the Center for Community Engagement after being away from her hometown of Huntsville for her undergraduate and graduate education.

“I returned with the belief that I could use the knowledge and skills I developed to make a difference in the community that helped shape me into who I am today,” Morrison said, “In my role at CCE, I am fortunate to see proof every day that I work at a university committed to working for the public good.”

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