Today@Sam Article

Alumni Spotlight: Haley Roberts

Feb. 14, 2024
SHSU Media Contact: Campbell Atkins


Haley Roberts does not strive to be the best woman in her profession. She strives to be the best person.

The Las Vegas native proved to be just that after receiving her Master of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration on sport and human performance from Sam Houston State University and earning a spot on the Tennessee Titans’ coaching staff. She was one of just 10 female on-field coaches in the National Football League (NFL) during the 2023 season.

“I have always wanted to be the best at what I’m doing, whatever that may be. That has always been my personality and demeanor,” said the strength and conditioning coach. “I don’t wish to be highlighted simply because of my gender. However, I do think it’s important for the younger generation to see women on the field coaching.”

Growing up an avid football fan, Roberts never had the luxury of watching a woman coach in action. She also did not allow this to hinder her dream of being part of the NFL, which she held since the age of 10. Thanks to her work ethic, copious support from her parents and the changing of the times, her dream is now a reality.

“The NFL is very forward in their thinking and progressive on the diversity and inclusion aspect of things,” Roberts said. “I just hope that whether it is myself or another coach, the next generation sees us on the sidelines and realizes there are no restrictions on anything. Whether it is football or another male-dominated profession, you can be whatever you want to be.”

RobertsHS.jpegRoberts has always been an athlete and participated in swimming and competitive cheerleading through high school. She has always had a passion for exercise and, more specifically, lifting weights. This passion spawned original aspirations to be a physical therapist. This changed soon after realizing the profession did not typically offer a direct line to athletics.

“I learned that most physical therapists first have to work with the general population at some point. I just wasn’t interested in that.” Roberts said. “I ran into an old friend at the gym who recommended strength and conditioning. I then did my own reading up on the profession and listened to some podcasts and realized it was right for me.”

After earning her undergraduate degree in kinesiology with a minor in psychology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, she was able to land an internship with the Rebels football team. This ultimately led to a graduate assistant role with the University of North Alabama before she was offered a full-time position at SHSU.

“It was the best opportunity for me to further my career,” Roberts said. “I could not have ended up at a better place from a growth standpoint.”

Roberts lauded her boss and associate athletics director Trevor Williams, who allowed her to remain on pace in pursuing her dream in football on top of her responsibilities with five other Bearkat teams: women’s basketball, women’s soccer, women’s tennis, women’s bowling and softball.

While working and studying at Sam, she earned an invitation to attend the NFL’s annual Women’s Careers in Football Forum. Here, she was able to meet with prominent employees throughout the league and ultimately made an impression on former Titans’ head coach, Mike Vrabel. After going through an interview process, she was offered a summer internship with the team.

“Thankfully, Trevor knew from the very start what my goals and aspirations were,” Roberts said. “I am forever indebted to him because he took over my summer obligations while I interned with the Titans.”

After a successful internship, Roberts was offered a full-time position and became an official member of the Tennessee Titans. Her life during the regular season was hectic from start to finish and consisted of individualized activities with players, based on their specific situations and injuries, as well as compiling data and technology-driven reports to enhance the team’s workout schedules throughout the grueling, 18-week schedule.

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