Today@Sam Article

TSUS Recognizes Professor With Regent's Award

March 1, 2024
SHSU Media Contact: Campbell Atkins

From left: Regent Stephen Lee, Andrea Foster and University President Alisa White

Andrea Foster was one of two Sam Houston State University professors to be recognized by the Texas State University System’s (TSUS) Board of Regents during their Feb. 23 meeting. Foster, a professor of education in the School of Teaching and Learning, has devoted 20 years of service to the university and over 40 in education as a whole. 

“My mission is to prepare the best of the best in the teaching profession, particularly at the elementary level,” Foster said. “It is my goal to put teachers in P-12 classrooms who are well equipped to not just teach science, but to nurture and inspire young children and capitalize on the natural curiosity and ingenuity they bring to classrooms today.”  

The TSUS Board of Regents annually recognizes exceptional teachers from its member institutions based on their outstanding performance as educators, contributions to the development of courses and use of innovative teaching methods. In addition to a commemorative medallion and board resolution, winners receive a $5,000 cash award and maintain the title of “Regents' Teacher” for the duration of their service within TSUS. 

“I am completely honored and most appreciative of being recognized,” said Foster, who was first nominated by Stacey Edmonson, dean of SHSU’s College of Education.

Foster earned her Bachelor of Science, Master of Education and PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with specializations in science education and art from Texas A&M University before working as a public school teacher for 20 years. She advanced to the collegiate level and served as an assistant professor at the University of Houston for five years before joining SHSU’s faculty in 2005.

“I wanted to do my work at a university that emphasized teaching overall,” Foster said. “Smaller class sizes and lower student to teacher ratios make teaching at SHSU a pleasure. I really get to know got to know my students well. We have amazing talent in our faculty.”  

Throughout her illustrious career of teaching and mentoring, Foster has garnered many other awards and distinctions. One of the earliest national awards included The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching in 1994, which allowed her to travel to Washington D.C. and visit the White House. This helped catapult her into higher education and a plethora of other recognitions, including the Texas Medical Association Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, SHSU’s Excellence in Teaching Award and Texas A&M University’s Outstanding Alumni Award.

Foster also serves as the college’s lead for Deans for Impact, a nationally competitive program that incorporates cognitive science techniques into teacher preparation practices. All of the program’s graduates are taught how to understand the mechanics of the mind when teaching children.

“I have come to recognize Foster’s deep commitment and extensive contributions to improving the preparation of aspiring teachers in the College of Education at SHSU, as well as her important contributions to the broader field of teacher education,” said Tracey Weinstein, vice president of Data and Research at Deans for Impact. “She has served as a model of a truly reflective practitioner focused on continuously improving her craft for the betterment of teachers.”

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