Today@Sam Article
William Tidwell Honored by Board of Regents with Staff Excellence Award
Feb. 18, 2025
SHSU Media Contact: Campbell Atkins
Rather than worry about being recognized, Sam Houston State University’s William “Bill” Tidwell has always striven to be worthy of recognition. Due to his constant dedication to his craft, as well as the people he has impacted along the way, the lifelong Bearkat has been named Sam Houston’s first Texas State University System (TSUS) Staff Excellence Award recipient since 2018.
“I consider it such an honor, but at the same time, I don’t know that I’m worthy of it,” said Tidwell, SHSU’s director of Procurement & Business Services. “I’ve never been one to seek out acknowledgement, it’s just never been in me to do that. This recognition reflects on my staff and our service-oriented division. They are the ones responsible for any success.”
Tidwell began his professional career with SHSU as a purchaser with facilities in 2001, but his personal connection runs much deeper. His father, Billy R. Tidwell, served as a professor at Sam for over 25 years as well as its head football coach and athletic director from 1974-77. Since part of his father’s duties as physical education instructor were to oversee the old gymnasium, the family lived on the third floor of Academic Building III for five years of his childhood.
“It was great for me growing up, because what kid didn’t want a basketball court or a trampoline?” Tidwell said.
Even after his family was directly involved with the university, Tidwell’s allegiance to the Bearkats never wavered through the years.
“I just grew up around it,” he said. “I’ve sat at Pritchett Field watching football games in the cold, and I’ve sat at Bowers Stadium watching football games in the cold.”
Tidwell ultimately earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Texas A&M University before joining the family business, Tidwell Distributing Company.
“That gave me some purchasing experience, which would help lead to later roles,” he said.
After his father had passed away and he felt it was the right time to move on from the business after 20 years, Tidwell found his first university role with Facilities Management.
“I applied and was fortunate enough to get the job,” he said. “When I started, we were still at about 12-13,000 students. It has just been steady growth since then.”
Tidwell earned his Master of Business Administration degree in 2006 while working for the university. His financial prowess and ability to connect with all individuals, including students, faculty and staff, helped propel him to an assistant director position and, ultimately, his current role as director.
“My primary function, I have always said, is to get you what you want legally at the best price I can,” he said. “I consider our job in procurement two-fold: we work to get departments, and the university as whole, the products and services we need to function to the best of our ability. But, at the same time, we need to ensure that we are good stewards of taxpayer dollars. We all pay taxes and want to get the best services at the best prices.”
During his 23-year tenure, Tidwell has played an instrumental role in the university’s rapid growth through his involvement in countless projects that have helped further establish the Bearkat identity.
“I grew up a Bearkat,” he said. “We have been really lucky to be able to grow, but also maintain that sense of community.”
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