Operation: Math Girls
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Operation: Math Girls (OMG) is a day designed for female high school students to learn interesting mathematics, meet other young women who share an enthusiasm for math, and receive valuable information about pursuing mathematics and STEM fields in the collegiate environment. Additionally, the students at OMG will experience a day on campus at Sam Houston State University. They will hear from an admissions officer about the application process, they will meet female undergraduate and graduate math students at SHSU, and they will learn from distinguished math scholars who also happen to be women.
- Keynote Speech by Dr. Erika Camacho of Arizona State University.
- Panel discussion (featured speakers TBA).
- Learning sessions (session leaders TBA).
Very special thanks to:
Angie BurgessDean John Pascarella
Jana Richie
John Holder
Mike Hoogterp
Meghan Burton
Lauren Fenn