You’ve completed your first semester of college. As you reflect on what you learned and accomplished in your first semester, you’re probably already starting to consider what you want your second semester to look like. Perhaps you see yourself making the Dean’s List, getting involved in a few more organizations, or working on campus. As you’re pondering your second semester experience, use the G. P. A. for Success: set Goals, make a Plan, and take Action.
G. P. A. for Success: set Goals, make a Plan, and take Action.
Set Goals: If you’re going to achieve something, you have to know what it is. Setting goals helps you determine exactly what you want and helps you set guidelines for how to get it. Make sure that the goals you set are S.M.A.R.T: specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific.
Make a Plan: You can’t just stop at making goals. You need a plan for action so that when life happens, you stay on track. To make your plan, write down the factors that will help you achieve your goals and the factors that will make it difficult to achieve your goals. By identifying positive factors, you can take advantage of them and by identifying negative factors, you can avoid getting trapped by them.
Take Action: Now that you’ve thought through what you want to accomplish in the spring, do it!
So, what are your goals? Use this template to chart your G.P.A for success.