Meet the Chair
Dr. Eric Platt: Chair, Department of Educational Leadership

Welcome to the Department of Educational Leadership! With a legacy spanning over 140 years, Sam Houston State University is renowned in the field of education. A significant aspect of our rich history lies in educational leadership, attracting aspiring professionals such as school principals, superintendents, community college leaders, university administrators, and student affairs experts.
We invite you to become part of this exceptional department with students heralding from more than 25 states and representing several nationalities. Whether your interest lies in K-12 school leadership, college student advising and development, or higher education administration, our experienced faculty and staff are equipped to assist you in excelling as an educational leader.
We offer a range of valuable programs that include the Doctorate of Education in School Educational Leadership, Doctorate of Education in Higher Education Leadership, Masters of Arts in Higher Education Administration, Masters of Education in School Leadership, and the College Academic Advising Graduate Certificate. Additionally, our department houses the Texas State Principal Certification Program and the Texas State Superintendent Certification Program.
All programs have been designed with your success in mind! Courses are offered online or in the evenings to accommodate working student schedules. Furthermore, courses are taught by award-winning instructors who are dedicated to student-centric education. Professors bring valuable practical experience from previous roles as innovative and impactful school and college administrators. Instructors will equip you with essential tools to manage and improve educational entities. Take the first step toward a fulfilling career in educational leadership by joining the Department of Educational Leadership today!
Professional Background
Prior to joining Sam Houston State University, Dr. Platt served as chair and faculty at the University of Memphis in Tennessee. His research primarily focuses on institutional mortality and the history of higher education in the American South. Prior to serving as a professor, he worked in continuing education and taught high school marching band students in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Dr. Platt is one of the lead administrators for the Southern History of Education Society (SHOES), is a past president for the Organization of Educational Historians (OEH), is a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) as well as the Society for the Study of Curriculum History (SSCH) and is the History of Education book series editor for Information Age Publishing (IAP). He holds a PhD in Educational Leadership and Research/Higher Education Administration with a minor in History from Louisiana State University, an MEd and BS in Adult Education and Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi, and an AA in Liberal Arts from Jones College.