Meet the Chair
Dr. Holly Weimar: Chair, Department of Library Science and Technology

The Library Science and Technology Department provides opportunities for (1) teachers to become school librarians, and (2) career-oriented people to develop and improve their skills in instructional systems and design. All our academic programs and certificates are online. The two certificates that are offered are Educational Technology and Effective Online Instruction. The courses for the degrees and certificates build on each other so that learners grow a foundation that supports their knowledge and skills in their field.
The school librarian program is a sole purpose program for developing teachers into school librarians. The library science faculty members have built their courses based on the national (American Association of School Librarians or AASL) and state professional standards (Texas School Librarian Certificate Standards) for the preparation of school librarians. Each course is unique in its content so that by the time learners complete the program, they are prepared to lead a school library program in their school.
The Instructional Systems Design and Technology (ISDT) faculty members have designed their courses to develop instructional leaders across industries. Learners harness technology to work with adult learners. ISDT places learners in cohorts to provide opportunities for engagement in an online environment. ISDT offers a master’s program (M.Ed.), Educational Technology Certificate, Effective Online Instruction Certificate, and a doctoral program (Ed.D.).
Professional Background
Holly Weimar is Professor and Chair of the Department of Library Science and Technology. In addition, she is the Field Experience Coordinator for the Library Science program. Her research interests include school librarian advocacy and school librarian knowledge and skills. She holds an Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Teacher Education from University of Houston, a M.L.S. from Sam Houston State University, and a B.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in Mathematics from Stephen F. Austin State University. She is a current member of American Library Association, American Association of School Librarians, Texas Computer Education Association, Texas Library Association, Texas Association of School Librarians, Textbook & Academic Authors Association.