Student Ambassadors

Engineering Technology Student Ambassadors, Sam Houston State University

Engineering Technology Ambassadors

  • Information about the Ambassador Program
    The Student Ambassador Program in the Department of Engineering Technology (ETEC) provides dedicated students a leadership opportunity to  represent the ETEC department in various internal and external events. Student Ambassadors provide degree program information, give facility tours, help with developing recruiting materials, and perform other duties to represent the ETEC department. 
    The ETEC department  recruits qualified students to serve as Student Ambassadors  based on need and availability. If you are interested in the program, please fill the ETEC Ambassador Application and submit it together with other required materials to Dr. Iftekhar Ibne Basith at Please copy Michelle Boyd at as well. 
    Twitter: @etecambassadors
    ETEC Ambassadors' Constitution
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Basith

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Iftekhar Basith

    Ifekhar Ibne Basith

    Coordinator: Michelle Boyd

    Michelle Boyd 

  • Engineering Technology Ambassadors

    President: TBA
    Vice President: TBA
    Secretary: TBA
    Treasurer: TBA
    Member: TBA
    Member: Lac Quang (Jack)
    Member: TBA
    Member: Xavier Guerra
    Member: Brody Wilson