Major Accomplishments
Ruination (Spuyten Duyvil, 2018); The Arson People (Dzanc Books rEprint Series, 2019); Our Prayers After the Fire (Spuyten Duyvil, 2022); None of This is an Invitation (coauthored with Jessica Alexander, Astrophil Press at University of South Dakota, 2023), Tannery Bay: A Novel, coauthored with Steven Dunn, FC2/the University of Alabama Press, 2024).
Katie Jean Shinkle
Assistant Professor
(Ph.D, University of Denver, 2015)
Creative Writing; Contemporary Fiction and Creative Nonfiction; 21st Century American Literature; Novella; Hybrid/Cross-genre writing; Experimental/Innovative writing; Narrative Theory
Office: Evans 414
Phone: (936) 294-1436
E-mail: kjs078@shsu.edu
Dr. Katie Jean Shinkle (Ph.D., University of Denver) is the author five books and seven chapbooks, most recently Tannery Bay: A Novel (coauthored with Steven Dunn, FC2/the University of Alabama Press, 2024), None of This is an Invitation (coauthored with Jessica Alexander, Astrophil Press at University of South Dakota, 2023), and Thick City (Bull City Press, 2023). Other work can be found in or is forthcoming from Flaunt Magazine, Gulf Coast, Denver Quarterly, Fugue, Crazyhorse, Witness, South Dakota Review, and elsewhere. A 2021 Lambda Literary fellow, she serves as co-poetry editor of DIAGRAM, creative nonfiction editor of the Texas Review, and as a contributing editor and Chapbook Contest Coordinator for New Michigan Press.
Major Accomplishments
Ordination (Ohio State University Press, 2006); Pet Shop Girls, by Anja Snellman, co-translator with Helena Halmari (Ice Cold Crime 2012)
Scott Kaukonen
Associate Professor
(Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006)
Creative Writing; Contemporary Fiction; 20th and 21st Century American Literature; Religious Culture and Literature
Office: Evans 412
Phone: (936) 294-1407
E-mail: kaukonen@shsu.edu
Dr. Scott Kaukonen (Ph.D., University of Missouri) teaches graduate courses in fiction writing, publishing, and twentieth- and twenty-first century literature. His debut collection of stories, Ordination, won the Ohio State Prize for Short Fiction, and was published by the Ohio State University Press. The collection includes the story, “Punnett’s Squares,” winner of the Nelson Algren Prize from the Chicago Tribune. He’s a past recipient of a Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and he’s also received an AWP/Prague Summer Fellowship. His fiction has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Cincinnati Review, Pleiades, Barrelhouse, Normal School, Third Coast, and elsewhere.
Major Accomplishments
Power On (The Operating System, 2021), Motherlover (Bloof, 2016); Inherit, (Sidebrow, 2017); Comorbid (Lark Books); Ghosts, Models, Visions (Bloof, 2017); How Glossy the Plastic (Garden-Door Press)
Editor, Texas Review
Ginger Ko
Assistant Professor
(Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2020)
Creative Writing; Poetry and Poetic Theory; Women's Studies; New Media Writing
Office: Evans 411
Phone: (936) 294-3821
E-mail: gingerko@shsu.edu
Dr. Ginger Ko (Ph.D., University of Georgia) teaches graduate courses in poetry and poetic theory. She also hold degrees from the University of Wyoming, Indiana University, and UCLA. She has taught courses in writing and Women’s Studies since 2012, and she actively publishes and conducts research in new media writing, feminist poetics, and activist writing and art. She’s the author of the full-length collection Motherlover, as well as four chapbooks: Inherit; Comorbid; Ghosts, Models, Visions; and How Glossy the Plastic.
Major Accomplishments
We Don't Know We Don't Know
(Graywolf Press, 2010); The Lightning That Strikes the Neighbors' House (University of Wisconsin Press, 2010); How to Dance as the Roof Caves In (Graywolf Press 2014); You, Beast (University of Wisconsin Press, 2017)
Director, MFA Program in Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing
Nick Lantz
Associate Professor
(M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005)
Creative Writing, Publishing, Poetic Theory
Office: Evans 314A
Phone: (936) 294-1990
E-mail: nick.lantz@shsu.edu
Nick Lantz (MFA, University of Wisconsin-Madison) teaches graduate courses in poetry, poetic theory, and publishing. His fourth collection of poetry, You, Beast, is was published in 2017. His previous books are We Don’t Know We Don’t Know (2010), The Lightning That Strikes the Neighbors’ House (2010), and How to Dance as the Roof Caves In (2014). His books have won the Katharine Bakeless Nason Prize, the GLCA New Writers Award, the Council for Wisconsin Writers Posner Award, the Larry Levis Reading Prize, the Felix Pollack Prize, and the Brittingham Prize. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. His work has appeared in journals such as New England Review, Gulf Coast, FIELD, and Pleiades. Lantz is also a playwright, having written an opera, a musical, and a variety of short and full-length plays, including an adaption of Georg Büchner's Woyzeck, performed at SHSU in 2016. Lantz co-curates the poetry website, The Cloudy House, which is dedicate to the poetry "project book." In 2016, he became the editor of Texas Review.