Home About Plenary Speaker Travel and Lodging Photo Gallery Schedule Registration Sponsors The 2013 Conference Preparations! Preparations! Dr. Ralph and Linda Pease enjoy a pre-conference dinner with keynote speaker, Dr. Richard North. Dr. North (bottom center) graciously offered a lecture to undergraduate students, shown here with their professor, Dr. Hill. The Thomason Room (the rare books room housed in the Newton Gresham Library) was one of our sponsors. Thomason Room faculty and staff have pre-conference lunch with Dr. North. Amanda Beller and Hannah Painter assist in registering our guests. Rebecca Cobo, our wonderful decorator! Medieval harpist Cheryl Fulton (left) and Renaissance harpist Teresa Honey (right) pose with student after Thursday evening concert. Students assist in Friday morning registration. Conference presenters enjoy getting acquainted before the sessions begin. The banquet hall is ready. The Friday evening banquet was a great success! Rebecca and Gary Cobo enjoy the Friday evening festivities. Dr. Martha Kirk, our singing nun! Our French Connection! Saturday lunch on the lawn. Lunch with new friends Lunch with new friends Dr. North visits with conference attendees. Dr. North, Dr. Hill, Roy Strickland Dr. Halmari, Chair of English and Dr. Hill, Conference Director