Prospective Members

MarchingBandUniforms_Music_Sosa-225.jpegProspective Members

Why Join the Band?

The Bearkat Marching Band is always looking for new members. If you enjoy music, marching, fun, and friends, then the Bearkat Marching Band is the place for you. Need more reasons … here are 10!

Top 10 Reasons to Join the Bearkat Marching Band

  1. Crazy BEARKAT Spirit!
  2. Fun shows
  3. No contests
  4. Early dorm move-in!
  5. Half the rehearsals, twice the fun!
  6. Get an awesome tan
  7. No fundraising, EVER!
  8. 200 instant friends, guaranteed
  9. Conference USA!


  1. Three words: Passion, Family, Excellence!

Your College Major

Membership in the Bearkat Marching Band is open to students of all majors. Non-majors are encouraged and welcome. In fact, over 45% of the band is comprised of students majoring in areas other than music.

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The College Band Experience

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Being in the Bearkat Marching Band is probably different than what you experienced in high school.

  • College marching band is all about energy, excitement, and school spirit. 
  • Rather than spending months rehearsing the same show, the Bearkat Marching Band performs several entertaining shows every season. And since there are no contests at the college level, we design our marching shows to please the audience, not judges.
  • "Being a non-music major, BMB isn't about completing a credit. It's about the friends and experiences I gain. Plus, you get paid!"
    -Grant Pappas, 4-year member, RTV major
  • We play constantly – before the game, in the stands, during halftime – we play lots and lots of music!
  • Compared to high school, we rehearse half the time! A high school band will typically rehearse 5 hours during the school day and 8 hours after school each week (13 hours). The BMB only rehearses 6 - 7 hours each week, and less if we don't have a game. Because everyone in the band has experience playing and marching, we are able to work quickly, learning music and drill at a much faster pace.

Did we mention 200 guaranteed friends, even before your first class?

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Do we play at ALL football games?

We perform at all HOME games during the regular season and possibly a bowl game. We also perform one "home" game at NRG Stadium and an exhibition performance at a high school marching festival. 

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What are the costs?

Cheaper than you would think. Members must pay for the following:

  1. Enrollment in the course (MUEN 1116 01 for brass, woodwinds and color guard; MUEN 1116 02 for percussion). It is a 1-hour credit course.
  2. Band Activity Fee ($75). This covers various expenses related to summer band & student activities.
  3. Flip folder and lyre. You probably already have these from high school.
  4. Marching shoes ($49). We use black MTX marching shoes. If you already own a pair, you're set. If not, you may order them from Bill Atkins during summer band week (cash or money order).

What does the band pay for so that you don't have to?

  1. Official BMB Shirt
  2. Your uniform (colorguard, winds, and percussion)
  3. Food and drinks at every game
  4. ALL travel expenses

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When is summer band?

Summer band is traditionally scheduled the week before classes start, and everyone must attend. We will rehearse during the day and save the evenings for fun activities.  For 2024, dorm check in for BMB members is on August 15 between 2 and 4 pm at your dorm.

Summer Band Activity Schedule (coming soon)

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So how do I sign up?

Signing up for the Bearkat Marching Band is easy.

  1. Enroll in MUEN 1116 01 for brass, woodwinds and guard; MUEN 1116 02 for percussion. 
  2. Complete the summer band online registration form
  3. You will attend summer band with us, and you will participate in an online version of Bearkat Kickoff.
  4. Continue to check this website for updates!

And you're in … we'll see you at summer band!

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More Questions?

BMB online information request