Questions and Answers:

Q: Will harp, piano or celesta be allowable with regard to instrumentation?

A: Piano and/or celesta is acceptable. We will not be able to accommodate harp parts for this competition.


Q: Will works involving electronics be allowed?

A: Works involving electronics that can be executed using a simple 2-speaker stereo set up are encouraged. Scores requiring specialized hardware/software or live manipulation of electronic sounds will not be considered.


Q: Has the first prize award changed in any way since the original announcement for this competition was published?

A: Yes. We are now not only able to offer limited funds for the winner to attend the Bolivian Music Festival performance in July 2015, but also some assistance to attend the Huntsville, Texas performance in April 2016. (We are hoping to completely cover airfare for the winner for this, but that won't be known until Mid-March.) The cash prize for first place is still $1,200.


Q: Are there limitations regarding keyboard percussion?

A: Marimba, Xylophone, Vibraphone, and Glockenspiel can all be accommodated. (No more than one instrument for each type of keyboard instrument.)


Q: Should the scores be submitted anonymously?

A: Anonymity isn't necessary for submissions. Composer's name, title, and other information MAY be left on the scores.