
The university offers insurance coverage to students and provides coverage for university travel, vehicles and events.

Obtain Coverage

Student Medical

Sam Houston State University offers student health insurance plans for both local and international students through Academic Health Plans. While local students have the option to participate, international students are required to participate. Visit the Academic Health Plans website for information regarding benefits, cost, eligibility, and how to manage your plan.

Academic Health Plans

International Travel

The University carries university travel insurance to help protect our students, staff and personnel while abroad on SHSU business. International travel insurance is incident based insurance providing coverage for unexpected medical issues, including illness and injuries.

To register a trip and secure coverage, please contact the Office of Compliance and Insurance.

Compliance and Insurance

Proof of Insurance

To obtain or send proof of insurance, contact Compliance and Insurance by phone or email.


Call 4-2671

  • Auto Insurance Card

    Auto Insurance Card provides details of our liability coverage required by law. Every vehicle should have an insurance card and auto accident sheet.

    Auto Accident Procedures
  • Certificate of Insurance (COI)

    A certificate of insurance is often requested in the case of a project, job or event in which liability concerns and the possibility of great financial losses are significant. Certificates are usually requested during an agreement, contract, or transaction to make certain the other party has the appropriate insurance coverage. A certificate of insurance is a document used to provide information on specific insurance coverage.

    Compliance and Insurance needs a copy of COI’s received by any university employee. Contact us if you need to secure a COI.

Auto Insurance Card

Auto Insurance Card provides details of our liability coverage required by law. Every vehicle should have an insurance card and auto accident sheet.

Insurance Card

Auto Accident Procedures

Certificate of Insurance (COI)

A certificate of insurance is a document provided by an insurance carrier and used as verification of required coverage. SHSU requires all contractors and vendors to provide certificates of insurance prior to starting projects, jobs, or events for the University. Any COI received on the behalf of the University must be submitted to the Office of Compliance and Insurance. Please contact the Office of Compliance and Insurance for additional information or to obtain a COI.

Insurance Requirements