
Alpha Omicron Pi
Colors: Cardinal
Founding Date: January 2, 1897
Motto: "Inspire Ambition"
Mascot: Panda
Symbol: Sheaf of Wheat
Philanthropy: Juvenile Arthritis Research
Flower: Jacqueminot Rose
Length of New Membership: 8 weeks
Nick Name: Alpha O or AOII
Chapter Name: Sigma Theta
Recommendation Letters accepted at:
c/o Alpha Omicron Pi- Sigma Theta
Lowman Student Center Ste 215 Box 2508
Huntsville, TX 77341
Local Site:

Alpha Delta Pi
Colors: Azure Blue and White
Founding Date: May 15, 1851
Motto: "We Live for Each Other"
Mascot: Lion
Symbol: Black Diamond
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House
Flower: Single Purple Woodland Violet
Length of New Membership: 8 weeks
Nick Name: A-D-Pi
Chapter Name: Delta Mu
Recommendation Letters accepted at:
c/o Alpha Delta Pi
PO Box 1355
Huntsville, TX 77342
Local Site:

Alpha Chi Omega
Colors: Scarlet Red and Olive Green
Founding Date: October 15, 1885
Motto: "Together Let Us Seek the Heights"
Symbol: Lyre
Philanthropy: Support for Victims of Domestic Violence
Flower: Red Carnation
Length of New Membership: 6-8 weeks
Nick Name: Alpha Chi or A-Chi-O
Chapter Name: Delta Kappa
Recommendation Letters accepted at:
c/o Alpha Chi Omega CC: Rainey Riley
PO Box 1638
Huntsville, TX 77340
Local Site: shsu.campuslabs/alphachiomega

Sigma Sigma Sigma
Colors: Royal Purple and White
Founding Date: April 20, 1898
Motto: "Faithful until Death"
Symbol: Sailboat
Philanthropy: March of Dimes
Flower: Purple Violet
Length of New Membership: 6-8 Weeks
Nick Name: Tri Sigma or Sigma
Chapter Name: Eta Omicron
Recommendation Letters accepted at:
c/o Sigma Sigma Sigma
9944 Hyacinth Way
Conroe, TX 77385
Local Site:

Zeta Tau Alpha
Colors: Turquoise Blue and Steel Grey
Founding Date: October 15, 1898
Motto: "Seek the Noblest"
Symbol: Five Point Crown
Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Education & Awareness
Flower: White Violet
Length of New Membership: 5 weeks
Nick Name: Zeta
Chapter Name: Delta Zeta
Recommendation Letters accepted at:
c/o Zeta Tau Alpha CC: Kerri Chaney
2214 N. Imperial Path Lane
Spring, TX 77386
Local Site: