Guiding Principles

Our Website Represents Who We Are

The SHSU website is our digital face to the world, reflecting our relationships with students, faculty, staff and supporters. It should convey not just our message but also how visitors feel treated.

To earn trust, visitors must feel that we respect their time, provide a functional experience and offer personal value.

Our work is guided by three principles: Service, Adaptability and Partnership.


Our website exists to serve people, not for self-promotion or catering to search engines. It’s a resource for our community—current and prospective students, faculty, staff and visitors. SHSU benefits when users find what they need easily. If they can’t, they may turn elsewhere, including other universities.


The website and its processes must be scalable and adaptable for future challenges. We’ll design with the future in mind, collaborating across the university to create sustainable procedures for updates. By refining governance structures, we can use resources wisely, empower staff and faculty and maintain high standards. Clearly defined roles will enable everyone to contribute meaningfully.


SHSU’s activities and initiatives span many areas of expertise, making collaboration vital. No single group can fully capture the breadth of what we do, and our website should reflect this complexity. We value the insights of our partners across the university and beyond. By fostering collaboration, we aim to create a dynamic, evolving platform that serves SHSU’s mission.