Frequently Asked Questions
Alumni Association FAQ
- Who can become a member of the SHSU Alumni Association?
- What are the benefits of joining the SHSU Alumni Association?
- What membership options are available?
- Do the benefits differ by level of membership?
- Does it cost more for my spouse/partner to be a member?
- Can the parents of current SHSU students be a member?
- Does SHSUAA membership automatically make me a member of my local/regional alumni chapter?
- When will my SHSUAA membership card arrive?
- How can I update my credit card information?
- Whom should I contact to update my address, request a replacement card, or ask other membership-related questions?
- Are my membership dues and sustaining contributions tax deductible?
- Do I need to be a SHSUAA member to receive the HERITAGE magazine?
- What is the Kat Konnection newsletter?
- Why is SHSUAA Travel a member benefit?
- How can I get a SHSUAA alumni email address?
- How can I share a life accomplishment or class note with my fellow Bearkats?
- How to receive a "No Consideration Entry" for the Tuition Draw fundraiser.