Student Loan Debt Letter
About the Student Loan Debt Letter...
In 2017, the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas passed Senate Bill 887 decreed that institutions of higher education that disburse state aid must provide enrolled students with an electronic Student Loan Debt Letter beginning in the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
Although this mandate is not effective immediately, Sam Houston State University has taken a proactive approach and disseminated information early in order to begin an open dialogue with students about their student loan debt.
Please note that the student loan debt letter is not an official record of student loan debt. Sam Houston cannot guarantee or promise this is all of the student’s loan debt. This is a general overview of the student’s account. The loan data Sam Houston accessed may vary from the actual total loan amount due to a number of reasons including; but, not limited to the timing and processing of federal student loans, student loans accrued at other (transfer) schools students may have attended as well as nursing student loan debt.
The Student Loan Debt Letter is meant to not only inform students about their student loan debt; but, is meant to be the opening of a dialogue...a conversation starter. On the Student Loan Debt Letter website, you will find a list of campus partners that are eager to provide you with information from their respective departments about ways to potentially reduce your student loan debt as well as the various ways to repay your student loans.