
Registration Instructions

The next registration deadline is September 19th, 2025 for the Fall 2025 administration period.

Thank you for participating in the Survey of Assessment Culture. We have developed a survey registration process that is minimally invasive of your faculty, administrators, and staff members' time and your time as well.

  1. Adherence to the stated criteria for inclusion is important to a sound research process. As such, please follow the criteria listed in the contact file template (provided below) closely to build your institution's contact file.
    1. Please provide institution (i.e. "@edu") or official email addresses in one column, with individual email addresses in each row.
    2. As this survey is CONFIDENTIALLY RECORDED, contact information such as names, phone numbers, etc. are not requested.
  2. Once you have filled out your institutions’ contact file, please attach it along with a signed Data Sharing Agreement to the submission form below.
  3. If you have any questions, please contact The Center for Assessment, Research and Educational Safety (, (936) 294-1865) for assistance.

Institutional contacts may scan and upload a signed copy of the Data Sharing Agreement (linked above) or can indicate they have read and agree to all the provisions in the Data Sharing Agreement by clicking the check box below. For those institutions uploading a scanned document, a fully executed agreement will be returned to you quickly. A response email will serve as the notice of execution for all other submissions.

Data Sharing Agreement

This Data Sharing Agreement is between ____________________________ (“Participant Institution, listed below”) and Sam Houston State University. This agreement facilitates the Survey of Assessment Culture (“The Project”) by Matthew Fuller, Principal Investigator (“PI”). Participant Institution agrees to participate in this Project by providing employee contact information requested by the PI, through Participant Institution employees or staff participation, complete surveys, and pay all agreed upon fees in a timely fashion. In exchange for their participation and payment, the PI agrees to and will provide Participant Institution an aggregated report of the survey responses on an institutional basis and provide access to data collected via the survey as described further below.

Data Collection and Overview

Sam Houston State University, through PI, Matthew Fuller, Ph.D. conducts a Survey of Assessment Culture. The Project collects data through nation-wide, annual surveys of higher education administrators, faculty, and student affairs staff. The instruments used for data collection will be the Administrators’ Survey of Assessment Culture, the Faculty Survey of Assessment Culture, and/or the Student Affairs Survey of Assessment Culture(2017 © Matthew Fuller, Ph.D.). Said instruments collect information on institutional cultures of assessment, participant perceptions of institutional assessment cultures, attitudes toward assessment, and resources for assessment practice.

Ownership and Retention of Data

The parties agree that Sam Houston State University and the Principle Investigator own data collected, including, but not limited to any and all rights to share, publish, or aggregate same. Any publication of un-aggregated data will include appropriate identification and attribution to the Participant Institution, though individual responses to surveys will not be identified. Unless participants self-identify in their responses, data with individual impressions or opinions will be collected and stored in confidential formats on a secure server maintained by the Sam Houston State University Office of Information Technology. Data may be shared at the discretion of the PI with whomever it is deemed necessary to advance scholarship and academic endeavors. However, per Sam Houston State University Institutional Review Board protocol 2013-08-11722, no data that intentionally or knowingly identifies participant responses may be shared. All data shared with any entity will undergo a “cleaning” procedure to ensure that identifiable data have been removed prior to sharing. Responses are confidentially recorded and cannot be shared in any identifiable format unless participants self-identify in the natural course of the survey. Data may be retained indefinitely by the PI and shall not be destroyed earlier than 5 years following data collection. Access to data by Participant Institution may be discontinued 1 year following the completion of data collection, with prior notice by the PI.

Participant Institutional License

SHSU and PI hereby grant Participant Institution a royalty-free license for use and distribution of data, results, and reports provided under this Agreement provided such use and distribution is internal to, and not published beyond, the Participant Institution. Further, Participant Institution agrees it will not share or sell the licensed materials to a third party.

Use of Data

The Project’s mission is to serve the higher education community through research, publication, networking, and advocacy. The Survey of Assessment Culture is the Project’s primary research effort. As such, results from the Survey of Assessment Culture may be published by any member of the Project’s research staff or any collaborator with whom the Project partners. The PI reserves the right to retain or waive authorship on any publications stemming from the Project research. The Survey of Assessment Culture instruments are copyrighted material and may not be redistributed, reproduced, in full or part, and may not be administered without the written permission of the PI, Dr. Matthew Fuller.

Common forms of information data sharing include, but are not limited to:

  • Publication of findings by Project research staff and employees,
  • Research or publication of findings by Project partners or others in the advancement of scholarship or academic endeavors, or
  • Sharing aggregated, institution-level reports and data with Participant Institution administrators or other entities.

Additional Provisions

  • Participant Institution shall provide a listing of employees or staff email addresses as requested by Project staff. Employee or staff names or other identifying information is not required. All such requests shall be made with reasonable timelines of thirty (30) days or more.
  • Participant Institution faculty, staff, or administrators shall timely respond to the Survey of Assessment Culture.
  • The Project shall provide Participant Institutions with an aggregate report and access to data collected from the Project of report of employee or staff member responses to the survey at the institution level. The Project will provide resources stemming from this research to guide campus discussions. Delivery of the reports, resources, files, or CD shall be made in a reasonably timely manner of sixty (60) days or more following survey administration.
  • This Agreement is effective for the academic year ending on August 31, one year after the date of execution.
  • This Agreement may be modified upon thirty (30) days written notice to Participant Institution as resources and the needs of the Project dictate.
  • Notices. All notices regarding this Information Data Sharing Agreement shall be sent via U.S. Mail to Dr. Matthew Fuller, Sam Houston State University, Department of Educational Leadership, Campus Box 2119, 1908 Bobby K. Marks Dr., Huntsville, TX 77341-2119 or via email to


Administration Fee

Faculty Survey of Assessment Culture
Survey Processing Fee

# of Full-Time FacultyFee
1 to 50 Full-Time Faculty $500
51 to 150 Full-Time Faculty $600
151 to 500 Full-Time Faculty $700
501 to 1,000 Full-Time Faculty $800
1,001 to 2,500 Full-Time Faculty $1,000
2,501 or More Full-Time Faculty $2,500

Up to 16 Additional Questions: $500

Administration Fee

Administrators Survey of Assessment Culture
Survey Processing Fee

# of Full-Time FacultyFee
1 to 50 Full-Time Administrators $500
51 to 150 Full-Time Administrators $600
151 to 500 Full-Time Administrators $700
501 to 1,000 Full-Time Administrators $800
1,001 to 2,500 Full-Time Administrators $1,000
2,501 or More Full-Time Administrators $2,500

Up to 16 Additional Questions: $500

Institutions can also request up to 16 additional questions for inclusion on any survey for a fee of $500 in each survey. Additional analyses can also be requested for a fee.

Administration Fee

Student Affairs Survey of Assessment Culture
Survey Processing Fee

# of Full-Time FacultyFee
1 to 10 Full-Time Student Affairs Staff $250
11 to 50 Full-Time Student Affairs Staff $350
51 to 500 Full-Time Student Affairs Staff $500
501 or More Full-Time Student Affairs Staff $750

Up to 16 Additional Questions: $500

Available Discounts:

Institutions agreeing to administer all three surveys in a calendar year pay only 2 Administration Fees ($1,000) and 2 additional question fees ($1,000) for additional questions on all three surveys.


Questions or contacts regarding this Information Data Sharing Agreement should be addressed to The Center for Assessment, Research, and Educational Safety,


Contact Information Participant Institution is required.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Phone Number is required.
Email Address is required.
Title is required.
Department is required.
In the Fall 2025 Semester, I would like to participate in:

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Contact file template for each survey, along with sampling instructions, is available here.

* If yes, a member of our staff will be in touch shortly to collect up to 16 additional questions to be administered at the end of any requested survey.

Payment Information

How will you be paying for the survey services, reports, and data? If paying by check, please mail your check in advance so it can be processed by September 26th, 2025.

A member of our staff will be in touch shortly to provide an invoice. Payment is due prior to survey administration.