Heritage: Fall 2021

Ami Stone: "Meat" The President
Ami Stone
’08 BS Forensic Chemistry & ’08 BS Criminal Justice
President/CEO of Stone Cold Meats, League City & Cypress, TX
The old tagline, “where’s the beef?” was no joke when the pandemic triggered massive supply chain problems leading to nationwide meat shortages and higher prices. Ami Stone realized her community’s need and quickly responded.
“We lowered our prices for ground beef and chicken for those needing to feed large families on a budget, and we didn’t limit the amount customers could purchase,” Stone said.
When the grocery stores ran out of meat, customers lined up outside their store, Stone Cold Meats, every day for four months to make sure they could feed their families. Stone coordinated with suppliers to ensure pallets of meat were delivered every other day.
“With limited cooler space, one of our vendors offered a refrigerated truck, so we could bring in enough meat to never run out. The pandemic allowed us to gain the community’s trust and loyalty because they were able to count on us.”
Dealing with all the surprises that come with being a small business owner, Stone’s college education has played a fundamental role in her career.
“My degrees involved plenty of problem solving and analytics, which translates into the day-to-day operations of the business. My role is to ensure the company remains stable during uncertainty and continues to grow in a more favorable economy. The ability to pivot is a skillset always needed to be successful.”
Despite the challenges, Stone has managed to expand her business by opening a second location in Cypress, Texas in April.
In addition to going above and beyond during a pandemic, Stone and her team also find ways to give back during the holidays. For their annual toy drive, they offer customers free brisket burger packs for each toy donation. In 2020, they donated 767 toys and gave away 3,068 burgers. Now with two locations, they hope to expand their efforts even more.