Today@Sam Article

Education Senior Publishes First Book Of Poetry

April 1, 2021
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney


National Poetry Month in April is a special occasion to recognize the importance of poets and poetry in our culture. This year, on the 25th anniversary of the celebration, the occasion falls on a time of great uncertainty for our country. 

For this reason, many have turned to poetry to find comfort, resilience, and connection throughout the current public health crisis, April, and beyond.

ETFor Sam Houston State University Education major, Elijah Taylor, he began writing poems in 2018, but did not truly tap into his passion for poetry until the pandemic forced him to return home after campus closed.

During the spring and summer of 2020, Taylor turned to poetry as a healthy coping mechanism and as a creative release for the strong emotions he was experiencing at the time. The culmination of these efforts resulted in Taylor publishing his first book of poetry titled, As Life Happens, on Aug. 19, 2020.

“I was extremely excited to become a published author and poet,” Taylor said. “I feel as though my dreams have come true; I never knew that words could be so powerful.”

According to Taylor, his inspiration for writing As Life Happens spurred from his battle with depression and transition into manhood. His book of poetry addresses these themes, as well as anxiety, spirituality, self-love, and self-growth. The audience for his poems range from middle school students, teens, college students, and working adults, because it relates to a variety of life’s many stages.

This series of more than 50 poems is available for purchase on Amazon, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, and Books A Million.

His favorite poem included in the collection is, “A Bottle for my Emotions.” 

“This is my favorite poem because it highlights the struggle of being a man in a society with no outlet for expression,” Taylor said. “If a man shows expression, he is considered weak and incapable of living up to the status quo.”

His advice for other Bearkats pursuing their dreams is to “remember that you are a steppingstone away from reaching your purpose.”

For Taylor, this book of poems and attending SHSU, are just a few of those steppingstones towards his ultimate goal of becoming a fourth grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. Though he plans to continue writing poetry and hopes to begin writing a Children’s book soon.

“Sam Houston State has aided in all of my goals by providing me with the opportunities to become the best teacher possible,” Taylor said. “My mentor and professors have gone the extra mile to ensure that I have the skills necessary to be successful.”

To keep up with Taylor’s writings, poems, or to learn more about his creative background, please visit his website.

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