Advisors: Dr. Iftekhar Basith & Dr. Junkun Ma
The KatatroniX Club is both professional and social. Club members work to inspire and intrigue fellow students and younger generations to participate in robotics. The organization invites any student from Sam Houston State University that has a passion for robotics. As a STEM/STEAM SHSU student, this association provides you with an opportunity to develop your robotics skills and experience in the competitive environment.
Membership is open to any student at SHSU that has a passion for the robotics STEM/STEAM field. Dues are annual to help fund all of the community outreach programs. KatatroniX is not currently taking any dues until the Club has matured 2 years (or until otherwise advised by advisor).
Interested in Joining? Click Here!
Meeting Times:
Monthly Membership Meeting: Every third Thursday of the month (September - May), between 12pm-1pm in room 100.
Adviser/Executive Meeting: As needed.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/katatronix?s=09
Gmail: Katatronix1876@gmail.com
Officer Team:
President | William Lasater | wal007@shsu.edu |
Vice President | Joe Nervis | |
Executive Member | Abram Vercher | |
Treasurer | Amanda Hayden | |
Outreach Coordinator | Kenyon Whiting |