In January, 1995, a group of university professors from institutions in Texas, Utah and New York met with Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) staff in Texas to explore ways to include performance-based measures as part of the folio review process for NCATE accreditation.
Over time, the group moved forward in the design and testing of a variety of assessment tools for curriculum, supervision and leadership courses. They explored issues related to communicating the importance of performance-based assessment of both school and university communities. The various activities developed were designed to assess student achievement the success of individual courses, and overall program effectiveness. In March, 1996, after a year of communicating with each other, group members decided to formalize their relationship with ASCD and to expand their ranks to any and all individuals interested in performance-based means of assessing leadership.
The Performance Assessment for Leadership (PAL) networks was formed as part of this outreach effort. A key concern of the group is to provide a focused effort among the various entities putting forward standards for the assessment of educational leadership.