Tenure and Promotion

Department Chair Responsibilities: Tenure and Promotion Process

  • Notify faculty that they are eligible for tenure and/or promotion
  • Appoint DPTAC members and inform DPPTAC of relevant policies (Department Chairs are not members of the DPTAC)
  • Conduct Faculty reviews
    • Annual reviews
    • 3rd year review
    • Tenure and promotion evaluation and recommendation
  • Review requests to extend probationary period for assistant professors.

*Please familiarize yourself with the university timeline as the tenure and promotion process has designated due dates.

Please see Academic Policy Statement 900417: Faculty Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion of Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty for timelines and additional information.

Department Chair Responsibilities: Post-Tenure Review Process

  • Notify faculty that that they are up for post-tenure review
  • In cases of a negative post-tenure vote:
    • Assemble the peer consultation team for the Prompted Comprehensive Performance Review
    • Approve the Plan for Assisted Faculty Development (PAFD)
    • Monitor faculty process regarding the PAFD
    • Assess whether faculty member fulfills the PAFD
    • Inform the Dean if the faculty member has fulfilled the PAFD

*Please familiarize yourself with the university timeline as the post-tenure process has designated due dates.

Please see Academic Policy Statement 980204: Performance Evaluation of Tenured Faculty for additional timelines information.