2021 Spring Contests for American Like Me

American Like Me:
Reflections on Life Between Cultures

Spring Essay Contest

American Like Me: Reflections on Life Between Cultures

Students eligible: All SHSU students currently enrolled full time at Sam Houston State University in undergraduate programs in the spring 2021 semester.

Prompt: As we read American Like Me, we might imagine our own stories, our encounters with our own American-ness, whether largely formed or in the process of being formed. Here is your opportunity to write your own chapter.

Who are you?
What is American like you?
Do you define yourself by your talents, by your faith, by your family, by your country?
How does your identity inform your thinking and your actions?
How does your identity work within our Bearkat community?
Exploring questions like these may help us appreciate our history, ourselves, and each other in our Bearkat Community.

Spring Scholarships:

Student Classification

Scholarship Amount

Number of Scholarships


First-Time Freshman for academic year 2020-21




First-Time Transfer for academic year 2020-21




Other Undergraduates for academic year 2020-21




Total Awards




Contest Details: Submission Deadlines and Details