NOTICE: Technology Purchasing Deadlines

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This year’s purchasing deadlines are approaching quickly. Our deadlines for technology purchases are: 

  • 7/15/2022 – For technology purchases requesting quote assistance, or for technology purchases requiring a Technology Oversight Approval (TOA) for hardware or a Technology Acquisition Approval Form (TAAF) for software, a Cherwell request must be submitted by 5 p.m.
  • 8/1/2022 – All requisitions for technology purchases, even for those that are pre-approved, must be submitted by 5 p.m. Technology purchases will NOT be accepted after this date.

In addition to the above deadlines, we have a few tips that will help expedite your purchase.


  1. Check the IT@Sam Technology Purchasing site to verify if your requisition is eligible to bypass the TOA or TAAF process.
  2. Review the Software Request Guidelines and provide your software requests as early as possible to allow our teams to research, install, and test the software. (NOTE: The software request deadline for the next Spring semester is October 1, 2022)

 If you have any questions regarding these requirements or need assistance, contact the IT@Sam Service Desk.