NOTICE: Technology Purchasing Deadlines
This year’s purchasing deadlines are approaching quickly. Our deadlines for technology purchases are:
- 7/15/2022 – For technology purchases requesting quote assistance, or for technology purchases requiring a Technology Oversight Approval (TOA) for hardware or a Technology Acquisition Approval Form (TAAF) for software, a Cherwell request must be submitted by 5 p.m.
- 8/1/2022 – All requisitions for technology purchases, even for those that are pre-approved, must be submitted by 5 p.m. Technology purchases will NOT be accepted after this date.
In addition to the above deadlines, we have a few tips that will help expedite your purchase.
- Check the IT@Sam Technology Purchasing site to verify if your requisition is eligible to bypass the TOA or TAAF process.
- Review the Software Request Guidelines and provide your software requests as early as possible to allow our teams to research, install, and test the software. (NOTE: The software request deadline for the next Spring semester is October 1, 2022)
If you have any questions regarding these requirements or need assistance, contact the IT@Sam Service Desk.