Housing Contract Termination

Withdrawal or Unenrollment from the University

If you withdraw from the University through the Registrar’s Office during the semester in which the cancellation occurs, Residence Life will notify you to schedule your check-out within 24 hours of withdrawal. If you fail to register with the University during the semester in which the cancellation occurs, Residence Life will notify you to schedule your check-out within 24 hours after the University Census Day.

Once you complete your check-out with Residence Life, your withdrawal or non-registration is confirmed by the Registrar, you will be billed all charges accrued under this Housing Contract according to the Contract Termination Deadlines for your contract period.

Maintaining Enrollment after Contract Termination

In any event mentioned below, you must fill out a Contract Termination Request through the Housing Portal.

Academic Internship, Academic Study Abroad, or Academic Co-Op Program - If in the fall semester, you commit to an academic internship, academic study abroad, or academic co-op program for the spring semester, you must notify SHSU Residence Life on or before December 1 and submit required documentation. Once the program commitment is confirmed, you pay the University all charges accrued under this Housing Contract through the end of the fall semester.

Extenuating Health Concerns, Financial Hardship, or Marriage - You may apply to terminate the housing contract for extenuating health concerns, financial hardship, or marriage.  Specific documentation is required for consideration. If approved, you will be billed all charges accrued under the Housing Contract according to Contract Termination Deadlines.

Extenuating Health Concerns - You will be asked to sign a medical release authorization. This authorization allows SHSU to request information from the treating medical provider regarding your medical condition.  Based upon the information provided by the physician, the decision will be made to grant or deny your request.

Financial Hardship - You will need to demonstrate that there has been a significant change beyond your control in your financial status since contract has begun. Required documentation includes:

  1. A statement regarding your financial situation.
  2. Any documentation to support statement of financial hardship.
  3. All applicants for a financial hardship contract termination must have completed their financial aid file before the hardship request can be processed. studentaid.gov/

Once this information is on file, we will examine the amount of financial aid that you receive along with the average cost of attending Sam Houston State University. Based upon these calculations, your request will be granted or denied. If you are not eligible for Financial Aid, or if your request for Financial Aid has been denied, please include this information in your statement.

Marriage - You will not be considered for release for your contract unless official marriage date takes place within 30 days of the release request. Your request can be temporarily approved with the unofficial marriage license; however, you must submit a copy of the official marriage license after it has been filed at the courthouse. 

Graduation During Contract Period

If you graduate from the University at the end of the fall semester, you must notify SHSU Residence Life on or before December 1. Once your graduation is confirmed by the Registrar, you will pay to the University all charges accrued under this Housing Contract through the end of the fall semester.

If you re-enroll in the University during the original Contract Period after canceling the Housing Contract under this section, you will be liable for all charges under the Housing Contract accruing throughout the Contract Period.

Termination of Housing Contract by the University

SHSU Residence Life may terminate this Housing Contract and remove you from University housing if you are suspended, expelled, or otherwise removed from the University; you breached any of the terms of the Housing Contract; or if for any other reason, you cease to be enrolled at the University.

You will be billed all charges accrued under the Housing Contract according to Contract Termination Deadlines