Faculty Success
The Department of Communication Studies boasts a distinguished faculty committed to excellence in teaching, research, and student mentorship. Our tenured and tenure-track professors are award-winning educators and scholars, with two faculty members having served as presidents of the Southern States Communication Association. Many others actively contribute to editorial boards, professional committees, and university initiatives.
Our faculty have secured both internal and external grants to support cutting-edge research and are dedicated to mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in meaningful scholarly projects. It is common for the faculty to collaborate with one another and colleagues across disciplines to conduct innovative research.
In addition, our highly rated lecturers hold master’s degrees from accredited universities and consistently earn outstanding teaching evaluations. With faculty members representing range of cultural, professional, and academic backgrounds, our department provides students with a broad, global perspective on communication—preparing them to navigate and lead in an increasingly interconnected world.

Cindy Yixin Chen, our faculty member, has had her research on binge drinking featured on National Public Radio.

Michael Arrington was featured on the Teaching Matters podcast to discuss inclusive educational environments.

Lisa Dahlgren (van Raalte) spoke on the Red Rock Relationships podcast about cuddling and explains the origins of her interests in communication studies.
Research Lab

As the Director of the Communication Studies Research Lab at Sam Houston State University, Dr. Dahlgren (van Raalte) is the go-to person for booking research time in the room. She designed the research lab to simulate a comfortable living room where participants would feel at ease. The room is equipped with a 55″ flat screen tv that has the capability of being connected to the computers in the storage room next door. The lab also comes with two desktop computers for in-lab surveys and a round table to facilitate effective interviewing.
The storage lab (connected to the research lab next door) includes an ultra-low freezer, cooling up to -80 degrees fahrenheit. This room includes both a P.C. and Mac desktop computer, printer, refrigerator, and multiple storage filing cabinets.
- Michael Arrington
- Outstanding Student Advisor Award, presented by ISU Student Government Association, Spring 2016
- John I. Sisco Excellence in Teaching Award, Southern States Communication Association, 2013
- Richard S. Bello
- Awarded title of Professor Emiteritus
- Outstanding Departmental Teacher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 2006-2007
- Outstanding Departmental Researcher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 2005-2006
- Student Affairs Recognition Award From Office of Student Affairs, Nicholls State University, 2000
- Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, inducted 1999
- Mu Sigma Rho, General Academic Honors, inducted 1977
- Frances Brandau
- Executive Director, Southern States Communication Association 2024-2030.
- Fellow, Texas Academic Leadership Academy, 2023-2024.
- Fellow, Association of College and University Educators, 2021-2022.
- Excellence in Service, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023-2024.
- Keys of Excellence, SHSU’s Orange Keys, 2020.
- President, Southern States Communication Association, 2012.
- Outstanding Educator Nominee, Agriculture and Industrial Sciences, 2007-2008.
- Outstanding Departmental Researcher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2006-2007.
- Outstanding Departmental Teacher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2005-2006.
- Outstanding New Teacher, Southern States Communication Association, 2002.
- Yixin "Cindy" Chen
- Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nomination, SHSU, 2025.
- Faculty Who has contributed significantly to undergraduate students’ success and development recognitions, Sam Houston State University, 2020-2022.
- University Excellence in Teaching Award, Nominated, 2020.
- Attended workshop on “SHSU All of Us Love Data” hosted by the SHSU library, 2024.
- Attended All of Us Researchers Convention funded by the Division of Engagement and Outreach, All of Us Research Program, National Institutes of Health, under Award Number OD028404, 2024.
- Attended the workshop on “Artificial Intelligence: Possibilities for Health Care & Health Communication” hosted by the ICA Health Communication Division, 2024.
- Attended the workshop on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Health Education: Understanding Future Implications for the Profession” hosted by the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), 2024.
- Attended the workshop on “Risk science fundamentals I: A historical perspective on the development of risk analysis as a field and science” hosted by the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).2024.
- Attended the workshop on “Social Media for Health Education: Teaching Experiences, Current Trends, and Emerging Ideas” hosted by the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), 2024.
- SHSU Internal Grant Award (2020). Effects of Warning Statements, Risk Perception, and Worry on E‐Cigarette Use. (PI, Cindy Yixin Chen, Ph.D.)
An experimental survey to examine factors influencing college students’ E‐cigarette use and to explore prevention strategies. Funded $3,390 over a three-month period. - Nominated for Excellence in Teaching, Sam Houston State University, 2020
- Recognized as a faculty member who has contributed significantly to undergraduate students’ success and development, Sam Houston State University, 2019
- Recognized as a faculty member who has contributed significantly to graduate students’ success and growth, Sam Houston State University, 2018
- Chen, Y., & French, S. (2020). How do cancer information seeking, cancer fatalism, cancer worry, and comparative risk perception influence e-cigarette use? Paper presented at the 2020 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication(KCHC), Lexington, KY.
- Chen, Y., & Feeley, T. H. (2014). Social support, social strain, loneliness, and well-being among older adults: An analysis of the Health and Retirement Study*. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 31(2), 141-161.
* Top Paper Award in the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association
- Rebekah Chiasson
- Top Paper Award, Interpersonal Communication Division at the National Communication Association, 110th Convention, New Orleans LA, 2024.
- Certification in AI in Teaching & Learning, SHSU online, completed 30 credit hours of Using Generative AI in Teaching & Learning course, 11/2024.
- Top 3 Paper Award, Instructional Communication Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association 114th Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.2023.
- Top 3 Paper Award, Instructional Communication Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association 114th Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD. 2023.
- Top Paper Award, Instructional Communication Division, NCA, New Orleans, LA. 2022.
- Lisa Dahlgren (van Raalte)
- Faculty Who Made a Difference Recognitions, Office of Student Affairs, SHSU, 2019-2024.
- Top Four Paper Award, Communication Education Division, Central States Communication Association, 2023.
- Keys of Excellence, SHSU’s Orange Keys, 2021.
- Graduate Mentor Award nomination, The Graduate School, SHSU, 2021.
- Excellence in Teaching Award nomination, SHSU, 2019.
- Active Learning Summer Institute, Seminar workshop, SHSU, 2019.
- Enhanced Faculty Grant, Sam Houston State University. Effects of Interpersonal Hugging on Health and Wellness. 2018-2019
- High Impact Practices (HIP) Grant Proposal, The Center for Enhancing Undergraduate Research Experiences and Creative Activities (EURECA), mini-grant funds provided by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) through the Reimagining the First Year (RFY) project, Sam Houston State University. 2018
- Distinguished Book Award, Communication and Social Cognition Division of the National Communication Association. The Sourcebook of Listening and Methodology and Measurement, 2018.
- Writing in the Disciplines, Seminar workshop, SHSU, 2018.
- Art of Teaching Series, SHSU, 2017.
- Dena Horne
- David Payne Award Nominee, 2025.
- Recognized, ACE Appreciation Luncheon for my community service in CHSS, 2024.
- Fellow, Association of College and University Educators, 2021-2022.
- Caleb George Hubbard
- CHSS Outstanding Service Award Nomination, 2025.
- CHSS Outstanding Teaching Award Nomination, 2025.
- Teaching and Learning Center - Exploring Exploration Facilitator
- Top Paper-Interpersonal Division, Eastern States Communication Association Conference, 2024.
- Exploration Engagement, Summer 2024.
- Mini-EE, Online learning, Mass lecture, 2024.
- Anne-Bennett Smithson
- Fellow, Association of College and University Educators, 2024.
- >Outstanding Teaching Award at University of Maryland, 2019.
- Terry M. Thibodeaux
- Awarded title of Professor Emiteritus
- Michesha Washington
- Outstanding Faculty Award, University of Maryland Global Campus, 2024.
- Kelly M. Weikle
- Digital Educator Certification –2025
- Constructive Dialogue Facilitator – 2025
- NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar Selected Participant – National Communication Association, 2021.
- Ohio University School of Communication Studies Doctoral Program, MAGS (Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools) Teaching Award Nominee, 2020.
- Public Relations Society of America West Virginia Chapter (PRSAWV) Crystal Award – Single Issue Newsletter/Booklet: Earl Ray Tomblin: Stewardship and Progress for the Mountain State, 2017.
- PRSAWV Crystal Award – Young Professional of the Year, 2016.
- PRSAWV Crystal Awards – Internal Communication Campaign; Single Issue Newsletter/Booklet: Columbia Pipeline Group work, 2016.
- PRSAWV Crystal Awards – Poster Design; Honorable Mention – Internal Communications Campaign; Internal Employee Newsletter; Online Publication: Columbia Pipeline Group work, 2013.
- Shuangyue Zhang
2024Intercultural Communication in Healthcare Context awarded for Lessons in the Medical Humanities and the Social Sciences for STEM Courses, SHSU.
2020 Nominated by SHSU students for the University Excellence in Teaching Award. Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.
2019 Nominated for the University Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Award. Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.
2017 Article of the Year Award for Communication Studies from Central States Communication Association Conference in Milwaukee, April 2018 for the article “How do you like your forgiveness? Communication style preferences and effects. Communication Studies, 68, 568-587.”
2012 Top Four Paper Award in the Division of Communication and Aging at National Communication Association Conference, Orlando, Florida
2012 Departmental Excellence in Research/Scholarship, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2012 Departmental Excellence in Online Instruction, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2011 Departmental Excellence in Research/Scholarship, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2010 Garrison Award for Applied Interpersonal Research at International Communication Association Conference, Singapore.
2010 Top Paper Award in Interpersonal Communication Division at International Communication Association Conference, Singapore.
2010 Departmental Excellence in Research/Scholarship, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2009 Franklin H. Knower Article Award from the Interpersonal Division of the National Communication Association, for Art Ramirez & Shuangyue Zhang (2007), When online meets offline: The effects of modality switching on relational communication, Communication Monographs, 74, 287-310.
2008 Top Paper Award in Interpersonal Communication Interest Group at Western States Communication Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
The Department of Communication Studies was awarded College-Wide Research Award for the 2006-2007 academic year.
The Department of Communication Studies was awarded the Most Outstanding Performance in Teaching in the College for the 2005-2006 academic year.
Not just our faculty!
We have award winning staff too!
Learn more about our award-winning Administrative Assistance, Michelle Plitt, a proud recipient of the SHSU Staff Excellence Award at SHSU.

Opportunities to Join Organizations and Professional Associations
Our faculty are actively involved in a variety of regional, national, and international professional organizations, and we encourage undergraduate and graduate students to join as well. Becoming a member is a powerful way to expand your network, stay current in the field, and access valuable career opportunities. These organizations offer conferences, research collaborations, mentorship, and professional development resources that can set you apart in your academic and professional journey. Engaging with scholars and professionals beyond the classroom allows you to contribute to important conversations, showcase your work, and build connections that can shape your future. Take the next step and get involved today!