Student Success
Featuring Communication Studies Major, Kayci Pharaon, Essay Contest Winner
Featuring Dr. Kelly Weikle, Wildest Dreams Come True at SHSU
Featuring recent Communication Studies Graduate, Taylor Williams Commencement Spotlight: The Williams Siblings
Orange Keys
"Unlocking the potential in the leaders of tomorrow"
Orange Keys are the official ambassadors of SHSU and serve as hosts for university functions such as banquets, luncheons, meetings, speakers, and career fairs. The group was founded in 1959 as a service organization for women. Men joined the group for the first time in 1982. Today, Orange Keys is composed of 18 upper class students and selection to this prestigious group is recognized as one of the highest honors a student can achieve at SHSU. Service, leadership, and academic excellence are the foundations of this elite organization.
Pictured below are two Communication Studies Faculty members and four Communication Studies students/Orange Keys at the Keys of Excellence Awards 2020. Dr. Terry Thibodeaux and Dr. Frances Brandau were nominated to win one of the 6 available Keys of Excellence and Dr. Brandau was selected to be awarded.

From left: Amanda Lee, Makayla Woods, Dr. Terry Thibodeaux, Dr. Frances Brandau, Kayla Kimball, & Shannon Simmons

Dr. Frances Brandau being presented with her award by Communication Studies Student, Kayla Kimball.