Our Research

Cindy Yixin Chen, our faculty member, has had her research on binge drinking featured on National Public Radio.

Michael Arrington was featured on the Teaching Matters podcast to discuss inclusive educational environments.

Lisa Dahlgren (van Raalte) spoke on the Red Rock Relationships podcast about cuddling and explains the origins of her interests in communication studies.
Research Lab

As the Director of the Communication Studies Research Lab at Sam Houston State University, Dr. Dahlgren (van Raalte) is the go-to person for booking research time in the room. She designed the research lab to simulate a comfortable living room where participants would feel at ease. The room is equipped with a 55″ flat screen tv that has the capability of being connected to the computers in the storage room next door. The lab also comes with two desktop computers for in-lab surveys and a round table to facilitate effective interviewing.
The storage lab (connected to the research lab next door) includes an ultra-low freezer, cooling up to -80 degrees fahrenheit. This room includes both a P.C. and Mac desktop computer, printer, refrigerator, and multiple storage filing cabinets.
The Department of Communication Studies was awarded College-Wide Research Award for the 2006-2007 academic year.
The Department of Communication Studies was awarded the Most Outstanding Performance in Teaching in the College for the 2005-2006 academic year.
- Michael Arrington
- Outstanding Student Advisor Award, presented by ISU Student Government Association, Spring 2016
- John I. Sisco Excellence in Teaching Award, Southern States Communication Association, 2013
- Richard S. Bello
- Outstanding Departmental Teacher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 2006-2007
- Outstanding Departmental Researcher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 2005-2006
- Student Affairs Recognition Award From Office of Student Affairs, Nicholls State University, 2000
- Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, inducted 1999
- Mu Sigma Rho, General Academic Honors, inducted 1977
- Frances Brandau
- Outstanding Departmental Teacher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 2005-2006
- Outstanding Departmental Researcher Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 2006-2007
- Southern States Communication Association’s Outstanding New Teacher Award 2002
- Yixin "Cindy" Chen
- SHSU Internal Grant Award (2020). Effects of Warning Statements, Risk Perception, and Worry on E‐Cigarette Use. (PI, Cindy Yixin Chen, Ph.D.)
An experimental survey to examine factors influencing college students’ E‐cigarette use and to explore prevention strategies. Funded $3,390 over a three-month period. - Nominated for Excellence in Teaching, Sam Houston State University, 2020
- Recognized as a faculty member who has contributed significantly to undergraduate students’ success and development, Sam Houston State University, 2019
- Recognized as a faculty member who has contributed significantly to graduate students’ success and growth, Sam Houston State University, 2018
- Chen, Y., & French, S. (2020). How do cancer information seeking, cancer fatalism, cancer worry, and comparative risk perception influence e-cigarette use? Paper presented at the 2020 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication(KCHC), Lexington, KY.
- Chen, Y., & Feeley, T. H. (2014). Social support, social strain, loneliness, and well-being among older adults: An analysis of the Health and Retirement Study*. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 31(2), 141-161.
* Top Paper Award in the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association
- SHSU Internal Grant Award (2020). Effects of Warning Statements, Risk Perception, and Worry on E‐Cigarette Use. (PI, Cindy Yixin Chen, Ph.D.)
- Lisa Dahlgren (van Raalte)
- 2018 – 2019 Enhanced Faculty Grant, Sam Houston State University. Effects of Interpersonal Hugging on Health and Wellness.
- 2018 High Impact Practices (HIP) Grant Proposal, The Center for Enhancing Undergraduate Research Experiences and Creative Activities (EURECA), mini-grant funds provided by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) through the Reimagining the First Year (RFY) project, Sam Houston State University.
- Melinda Weathers
Editorial Boards/Positions Held
- Editorial Board Member, Texas Speech Communication Journal, Spring 2018 to present.
- Associate Editorial Board Member, Communication Studies, Fall 2012 to Spring 2017.
- Vice Chair-Elect, Interpersonal Communication
- Secretary, Communication and Aging Division, National Communication Association, Fall 2008 to Spring 2010.
- Enhancing Undergraduate Research Experiences and Creative Activities (EURECA) Council, Fall 2019 to present.
- Faculty Advisor, Powerlifting Club, Fall 2018 to present.
- OSRP New Faculty Program. (2019). Assessing college students’ understanding of digital dating abuse. (PI, Melinda Weathers, Ph.D.). Conducted an exploratory study, using qualitative measures, to assess college students’ understanding of digital dating abuse. Funded $4,979 over a nine-month period.
- Nominated by SHSU students for the University Excellence in Teaching Award. Sam Houston State University, 2019, 2020, Huntsville, TX.
- Outstanding Professor of the Year Award. (2014). In recognition of excellence in teaching and dedication to student success. Presented by the Department of Communication Studies undergraduate student body, Clemson University, April 18, 2014, Clemson, SC.
- Shuangyue Zhang
2020 Nominated by SHSU students for the University Excellence in Teaching Award. Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.
2019 Nominated for the University Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Award. Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.
2017 Article of the Year Award for Communication Studies from Central States Communication Association Conference in Milwaukee, April 2018 for the article “How do you like your forgiveness? Communication style preferences and effects. Communication Studies, 68, 568-587.”
2012 Top Four Paper Award in the Division of Communication and Aging at National Communication Association Conference, Orlando, Florida
2012 Departmental Excellence in Research/Scholarship, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2012 Departmental Excellence in Online Instruction, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2011 Departmental Excellence in Research/Scholarship, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2010 Garrison Award for Applied Interpersonal Research at International Communication Association Conference, Singapore.
2010 Top Paper Award in Interpersonal Communication Division at International Communication Association Conference, Singapore.
2010 Departmental Excellence in Research/Scholarship, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sam Houston State University
2009 Franklin H. Knower Article Award from the Interpersonal Division of the National Communication Association, for Art Ramirez & Shuangyue Zhang (2007), When online meets offline: The effects of modality switching on relational communication, Communication Monographs, 74, 287-310.
2008 Top Paper Award in Interpersonal Communication Interest Group at Western States Communication Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
Not just our faculty!
We have award winning staff too!
Our department’s Assistant to the Chair, Michelle Plitt, has been a recent winner of the Staff Excellence Award at SHSU.

Opportunities to Join Organizations and Professional Associations
The Department of Communication Studies is affiliated with multiple organizations and associations that operate locally and across the globe.
Our faculty have held leadership positions in some of the aforementioned professional associations:
- Terry Thibodeaux
- Past President of Southern States Communication Association, 2004
- Frances Brandau
- Past President of Southern States Communication Association, 2011
- Creator of Southern States Communication Assoc’s Caring Connections
- Dwight L. Freshley Outstanding New Teacher Award, 2002
- Michael Arrington
- Outstanding Student Advisor Award, presented by ISU Student Government Association, Spring 2016
- John I. Sisco Excellence in Teaching Award, Southern States Communication Association, 2013
- Melinda Weathers
- Vice Chair-Elect, Interpersonal Communication Division, Southern States Communication Association, Fall 2019 to present.
- Secretary, Communication and Aging Division, National Communication Association, Fall 2008 to Spring 2010.
- Cindy Yixin Chen
- Co-Chair, Asian/Asian American Group, SHSU, Fall 2019 to Present.