Jaime Anderson

Jaime L. Anderson, Ph.D.
(936) 294-4745
Department of Psychology & Philosophy, Sam Houston State University, Campus Box 2447, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2447
Department: Psychology
Assistant Professor
See lab website (https://andersonapplab.weebly.com)
Dr. Anderson joined the faculty in the Department of Psychology and Philosophy at Sam Houston State University in 2016. She received her B.A. in Psychology and German from the University of Dayton, her M.S. in Clinical Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University, and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Psychology and Law and minor in Quantitative Methods from the University of Alabama. Dr. Anderson’s primary research interests focus on the assessment and diagnosis of personality psychopathology, with a particular emphasis on dimensional measures and models of personality, the clinical utility of such models, and the use of dimensional models of personality psychopathology in understanding individual outcomes.
Areas of Expertise
- Assessment of personality and psychopathology
- Personality disorders
Current and Funded Studies
- See lab website (https://andersonapplab.weebly.com)
Graduate Courses Taught:
- PSYC 5333: Theory and Research in Psychotherapy
- PSYC 5396: Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology
- PSYC 8382/8383: Advanced Practicum
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
- PSYC 3331: Abnormal Psychology
Average Instructor Rating:
- 4.78
Department Service
- Student Success Committee, 2019 – Present
- Faculty Sponsor of Psi Chi, 2018 – Present
- Master’s Program Admissions Committee, 2018 – Present
University Service
- We LEAD (Women’s Leadership, Engagement, and Development)
- Board Member, 2018 – Present
National Service
- Society for Personality Assessment
- Board of Trustees, Secretary, 2019 – Present
- Membership Chair, 2019 – Present
- Continuing Education Committee, 2016 – Present
- Consulting Editor:
- Psychological Assessment
- Assessment
- Journal of Personality Assessment
- International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology, Minor in Quantitative Methods, University of Alabama
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, Eastern Kentucky University
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and German, University of Dayton