
Jeff Anastasi, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Research interests include: a focus on cognitive psychology with an emphasis on memory and includes various topics such as eyewitness memory, face recognition biases, illusory/false memories, effects of photographs on acceptance of information, and the testing effect.
CHSS 375
(936) 294-3049

Jaime L. Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Research interests include the conceptualization, assessment, and diagnosis of personality disorders, with particular focus on the use of dimensional trait models in understanding personality psychopathology.
CHSS 378

Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Associate Director of Clinical Training
Research interests include: adversarial allegiance in expert witness opinions, agreement among forensic evaluators, field reliability and validity of procedures used in forensic assessment.
CHSS 386
(936) 294-1179

Kiana Cano, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include borderline personality disorder etiology, personality disorder taxonomy, and the assessment of personality pathology in youth.
CHSS 316

Daniella Cash, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include how social and cognitive principles are at play within the legal system. This includes eyewitness identification, jury decision-making, and deception detection.
CHSS 311

Mary Alice Conroy, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Director of the Psychological Services Center
Research interests include: forensic clinical psychology risk assessment, civil commitment evaluations
(936) 294-3806

James Crosby, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Research interests include: psychometrics, peer victimization, and the psychology of religion and spirituality
CHSS 290
(936) 294-2202

Gulden Esat, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include: Developing school-based preventive programs such as the Mindful Ambassadors Program for college students; evaluating the acceptability, feasibility, and sustainability of mental health or educational programs; and incorporating spirituality and religiosity in clinical practice.
CHSS 377
(936) 294-4161

Charlotte Esplin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Broad research interests include women's health psychology, with a specific focus on couples, sexuality, gender equity, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and eating disorder treatment.
CHSS 341

Craig Henderson, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Director of Clinical Training
Research interests include: family psychology. juvenile substance abuse treatment, college student alcohol use, exercise-based interventions, advanced data analytic methodology.
CHSS 379

Hillary Langley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Associate Chair
Research interests include developmental psychology, youth mental health, early life adversity, positive parenting practices, parent-child attachment, parental emotion socialization, gratitude, intimate partner violence, children’s eyewitness testimony, autobiographical memory, the development of prosocial behaviors/emotions, juvenile delinquency and parenting interventions.
CHSS 376

Ryan Marek, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Research interests center around health psychology, eating disorders, pain, and assessment psychology, with a particular focus in presurgical psychological assessment and how psychopathology predicts various medical and treatment outcomes.
CHSS 309

Adam P. Natoli, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include developing, evaluating, and applying advanced measurement and statistical methodologies to the empirical study of human behavior with a concentration on instrument psychometrics, applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in psychology, personality, psychodynamic theory/concepts, and forensic psychology.
CHSS 318

Ramona Noland, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Director of the School Psychology Program
Research interests include: school psychology, autism spectrum disorders, and English language learners
CHSS 385

Chelsea Ratcliff, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Research interests include health psychology, mindfulness meditation, behavioral interventions to improve health and quality of life for medically ill patients.
CHSS 310

Shelley A. Riggs, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Master's Program Coordinator
Research interests include: Family systems, Attachment relationships throughout the lifespan, Trauma and Loss, Couple and Family Therapy
CHSS 380

Jared R. Ruchensky, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include personality disorders (particularly psychopathy), the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders, forensic psychology, psychological assessment of constructs relevant to forensic/correctional settings.
CHSS 308

Nicholas L. Scheel, Ph.D., NCSP
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include: identifying systems change and reform efforts in implementing multi-tiered system of supports frameworks to enhance social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health services as well as crisis prevention, intervention, and postvention initiatives and practices in schools.
CHSS 317
(936) 294-4709

George Scott, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include: clinical health psychology, behavioral medicine, well-being, and integrated health care at the individual and health systems level
CHSS 307
(936) 294-1180

Jorge G. Varela, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Department Chair
Research interests include: cultural and linguistic (Spanish) diversity issues in forensic psychology, particularly forensic assessment. I also maintain professional interests in law enforcement psychology as well as military psychology

Stephen White, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include: the development, validation, and utilization of animal models of psychiatric syndromes for research, translational validity of animal models, pre-clinical drug discovery focusing on identifying novel antidepressants.
CHSS 306
(936) 294-1173

Mary Elizabeth Wood, Ph.D., ABPP
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include forensic assessment, psychometrics (especially of forensic assessment instruments), and the identification, assessment, and treatment of individuals with intellectual disability in criminal legal settings.
CHSS 326

Jiaju Wu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Research interests include: applied behavior analysis and gifted education.
CHSS 323
(936) 294-1177