M.A. in Clinical Psychology
- WELCOME to the Master's in Clinical Psychology Program at Sam Houston State University! The Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology is designed to produce Master's-level practitioners who are qualified to sit for licensure as Licensed Psychological Associates (LPA) by the Texas State Board of examiners of Psychologists. Recent changes to Texas state licensure rules and regulations require 60 hours of coursework in order to be eligible to obtain an LPA. The program takes approximately 3 years to complete and is primarily practitioner-oriented, but a limited number of students thesis research. A Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from SHSU also prepares students for further graduate study and/or community college teaching. The program provides supervised practicum experience and equips students with applied skills in assessment and therapeutic intervention. Students partake in a capstone course typically during their last semester of the program.
- SHSU is an excellent place to complete your professional training. As a student in the program, you will gain supervised clinical experience at SHSU and external training sites are available in a variety of settings such as counseling centers, psychiatric hospitals, community mental health centers, private practice settings with a psychologist, and forensic facilties.
- YOU are encouraged to explore this website further to find more information about the Master's in Clinical Psychology Program at SHSU. The links listed to the right will help you access this information including the application process and requirements. Many questions you may have are likely answered in the FAQ section. Please feel free to contact me with questions you may have about the program. I look forward to talking with you soon.
Masters in Clinical Psychology
General Core
These courses are usually offered once a year and include Advanced Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Statistics, Experimental Design, Physiological Psychology, and either Cognition or Learning.
Clinical Core
Students will take Theory and Research in Psychotherapy I, Techniques in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology, Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology, Psychometrics I, Assessment of Intelligence & Achievement, Ethics, Psychology of Diversity and Practicum I, II, & III.
PSY 6391, or Practicum I, is an in-house practicum experience where students learn to use basic interviewing and counseling skills. In PSY 6392 and 6393, Practicum II and Practicum III, you will be assigned to an external metnal health setting where you will work with clients who are experiencing a wide range of problems in living. Additionally, you may be engaged in psychological assessment, group work, and interdisciplinary team functioning.
Clinical Electives and Thesis
Students who do not write a thesis must select three clinical elective courses from the list below. Students who write a thesis will take one of the clinical elective courses below, plus Thesis I and Thesis II.
Clinical elective courses can be selected from Developmental Psychopathology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Human Neuropsychology, and Theory and Research in Psychotherapy II. Psychotherapy II is a psychotherapy series with rotating offerings (e.g., Group Therapy; Projective Assessment; Couple & Family Therapy; Child Psychotherapy; Trauma Theory, Research & Practice) and may be repeated when topics vary.

For general questions about the programs or application process, please contact: