School Psychology Program
WELCOME to the Specialist in School Psychology (SSP) Program at Sam Houston State University!
NOW is a very exciting time to be exploring a career in the field of school psychology. The field is ever-growing and changing, and the support services of those who work in the field are highly desired. National shortages of professionals trained to work in school psychology have been ongoing for several years and this will continue to be an employment trend. Thus, the job placement outlook for graduates is very good. In fact, U.S. News and World Report listed “School Psychologist” as the #1 Best Social Services Job for 2015!
SHSU is a terrific place to complete your professional training. The program boasts five core faculty, and three are dedicated faculty to our specialist program. We offer an increasing variety of rural and suburban sites in which students complete their field-based training and practical experiences. You will gain experience in the field from your very first semester, providing you with a solid foundation for internship and beyond!
YOU are encouraged to explore this website further to find more information about the SSP Program at SHSU. The links listed to the right will help you access listings of required courses and course sequence, the SSP Program Handbook, and application information and materials. Many questions you may have are likely answered in the FAQ section. Be sure to check out our student organization – SHASP – and their website to see what they’ve been up to lately. Please feel free to contact myself or any of the faculty members with questions you may have about the Program. We’ll look forward to talking with you soon!